In this tutorial, we will walk through creating database schema files and updating existing schema on an upgrade. The ant targets are in the site/build.xml. Rather than having app create tables on startup, the ant scripts can create a schema, so you can load it manually. The script can also generate alter table statements after an upgrade.
Create sql insert statements
With this method, you will be able to create sql statements from the existing code.
You do not need to have app or the database running.
- Configure, or ~/ to have the correct database connection and hibernate dialect settings. These properties are used by ant build script to start up a separate jvm from the main app.
- $project must be compiled.
In your terminal, perform the following
cd $project/site
ant build-create-sql
At the end of the run, you'll get a output like so:
[startAnt] [echo]
[startAnt] [echo] Files exported to target/sql/create
[startAnt] [echo]
[startAnt] Total time: 1 minute 13 seconds
For windows users, you may get some spurious warnings, but will finish eventually.
The files created will be in $project/site/target/sql/create:
In your terminal, perform the following:
ls $project/site/target/sql/create
total 232
-rw-r--r-- 1 priyesh staff 109502 Jul 15 10:43 MySQL5InnoDBDialect_blPU.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 priyesh staff 1032 Jul 15 10:43 MySQL5InnoDBDialect_blSecurePU.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 priyesh staff 367 Jul 15 10:43 MySQL5InnoDBDialect_blCMSStorage.sql
drwxr-xr-x 5 priyesh staff 170 Jul 15 10:43 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 priyesh staff 136 Jul 15 11:25 ..
When you load the above three sql files in the same database, you might get duplicate table errors, but you can safely ignore them.
Alter Statement creation after upgrade
After you upgrade the BLC to a newer version, you might have to create alter table statements. BLC has has migration notes for major releases at [[fdf sf]], however if you are constantly updating to the SNAPSHOT release, you might want to create your alter statements.
- Configure, or ~/ to have the correct database connection and hibernate dialect settings. These properties are used by ant build script to start up a separate jvm from the main app.
- You will have to have the existing database up and running so the script can generate alter statements.
- You will also have to update/checkout the application to the latest code. You may have to update the pom files to get the latest code depending on how you're updating
- $project must be compiled.
In your terminal, perform the following:
cd $project/site
ant build-update-sql
At the end of the run, you'll get a output like so:
[startAnt] [echo]
[startAnt] [echo] Files exported to target/sql/update
[startAnt] [echo]
[startAnt] Total time: 41 seconds
For windows users, you may get some spurious warnings, but will finish eventually.
The files created will be in $project/site/target/sql/update:
In your terminal, perform the following:
ls $project/site/target/sql/create
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 5 priyeshpatel staff 170 Jul 15 12:43 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 priyeshpatel staff 0 Jul 15 12:54 MySQL5InnoDBDialect_blSecurePU.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 priyeshpatel staff 75 Jul 15 12:54 MySQL5InnoDBDialect_blPU.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 priyeshpatel staff 0 Jul 15 12:54 MySQL5InnoDBDialect_blCMSStorage.sql
drwxr-xr-x 5 priyeshpatel staff 170 Jul 15 12:54 .
Optional Modify Ant script
Most cases you will not have to modify the ant script at all. If you are dependencies on BLC Modules, you will need to modify the ant script slightly to add the java agent in the ant target.
in the Ant targets, build-create-sql and build-update-sql, you will need to uncomment the follwing jvmarg line:
<jvmarg value="-javaagent:${spring.instrument.path}"/>