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Table Related Entity Description
BLC_STATE State Contains state information, e.g. abbreviation, name, and country
BLC_COUNTRY Country Contains country information, e.g. abbreviation and name
BLC_SITE Site Represents a site
BLC_ID_GENERATION IdGeneration Holds unique identifier data for various types
BLC_DATA_DRVN_ENUM DataDrivenEnumeration Holds the name for data-driven enumeration purposes
BLC_DATA_DRVN_ENUM_VAL DataDrivenEnumerationValue Holds value items for data-driven enumeration purpose
SEQUENCE_GENERATOR n/a Holds information for sequence generation
BLC_LOCALE Locale Contains locale information, such as code and if it's default
BLC_CURRENCY BroadleafCurrency Contains currency information, such as code and if it's default
BLC_TRANSLATION Translation Contains currency information, such as code and if it's default
BLC_MODULE_CONFIGURATION ModuleConfiguration Contains currency information, such as code and if it's default
BLC_SANDBOX SandBox Represents a Sandbox
BLC_SYSTEM_PROPERTY SystemProperty Represents a System Property (name/value pair) stored in the database
BLC_SANDBOX_MGMT SandBoxManagement required mostly as a workaround for an issue in Hibernate, see javadocs for more details
BLC_SITE_MAP_CFG SiteMapConfiguration drives the building of the SiteMap. It contains general properties that drive the creation of the SiteMap such as directory paths, etc.
BLC_CUST_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG CustomUrlSiteMapGeneratorConfiguration CustomSiteMapGenerator is controlled by this configuration
BLC_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG SiteMapGeneratorConfiguration URL tag generation controlled by this configuration. See javadocs for more details.
BLC_SITE_MAP_URL_ENTRY SiteMapUrlEntry Represents a SiteMap URL Entry.
Table Related Entity Description
BLC_SANDBOX SandBox Contains sandbox instance data