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Extending Services Tutorial

Overriding a Broadleaf Component

Broadleaf Commerce has a unique Spring Application Context merge capability that merges your application context with Broadleaf's default context. This allows you to override bean definitions or add completely new ones. Overriding a bean definition is as simple as implementing a Broadleaf interface (e.g. a service interface like SearchService):

public MySearchService implements SearchService {

    public List<Product> performSearch(String input) {


Then, to make Broadleaf use your implementation instead of the default implementation, you just override the bean definition in the merged application context:

bean override with XML configuration:

<bean id="blSearchService" class="com.mycompany.core.catalog.service.MySearchService"/>

bean override with java configuration:

protected SearchService blSearchService() {
    return new MySearchService();

Broadleaf will replace its default implementation of search service with your specified implementation and use it internally wherever there might be a dependency. This goes for almost all beans that Broadleaf defines.

Extending a Broadleaf Component

You may also wish to extend Broadleaf functionality rather than completely reimplementing an interface. This can be done by simply extending a concrete implementation of a service and then redefining it just as we did with the SearchService above.

WARNING: One thing to consider is that Broadleaf uses AOP for a number of functions, including pricing. Be careful when extending Broadleaf services, especially when calling a super method. The AOP might not be invoked in these cases.

For example, CartService and OrderService have pricing functionality on a number of methods. This handled by an AOP interceptor. If you extend CartService, for example, and create a new method that has custom functionality, but delegates to a super method, then the AOP interceptor will not get invoked. The only options in this case are to override the exact superclass method (rather than creating a new method signature) or to wrap, or decorate, the CartService with a completely new service. This will ensure that the calls to the CartService are invoked via its interface and that the AOP interceptor(s) are invoked as well.