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Broadleaf Commerce 5.2.2-GA

Release date: September 14, 2017


This is the 2nd patch release for Broadleaf Framework 5.2.x.

New and Noteworthy

New Store Front Style

With the 5.2.2-GA release of Broadleaf, we are happy to introduce a new out-of-box theme for the store front. This new store front uses a MaterialKit style.

Material Kit Theme

Dependency Updates

This release has the following dependency updates:

  • Spring Boot to 1.5.6
  • Spring core to 4.3.10
  • Lombok to 1.16.18
  • In addition, the Log4J dependency and references were changed to Log4J2 and made optional

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Critical Bug (1)

  • Community edition not able to add a Sku with an option to the cart

Major Bugs(9)

  • Use built in parameters of the establishThinRequestContext to ignore sandbox changes when getting theme
  • Remove the cloning of OfferCode when cloning an Order
  • Enabled entityManager.find() catalog validation when grabbing a page entity.
  • Fixed JS error that occurs in IE when clearing filters on a Main Entity ListGrid because a variable was not converted to a JQuery object
  • Fix url forwarding issue for products, categories, & skus
  • Fixed errors with checkout flow
  • Add State/Province/Region, PostalCode, and PhoneNumber Empty/Whitespace check to Common Address Validator.
  • Registration Password only accepts 6 or more non-space characters
  • Modified OrderPaymentService to utilize OrderService's remove payment method

Minor Bugs(15)

  • Fixed issue where index fields and other entities were not copied for synced copy catalogs
  • When creating new entities in the admin with a generated URL, the URL incorrectly appends a period appended at the end
  • Fixed issue where rating service was incorrectly counting duplicates for the average rating
  • Added a null check when determining correct AdminSection
  • Fixed issue where items were unable to be added to wishlist when out of stock
  • Accented characters are not correctly displayed in admin
  • Changed Offer Name to be a translatable property
  • Add null checks in Category and Product handler mappings
  • Defined a specific width for the remove row query builder icon
  • Admin Nav Tabs wrap to the next line if they overflow
  • Fixed issue with product filtering not working on selectize lookups
  • Add back the Zookeeper transitive dependency for Solr cloud
  • Added a null check when determining correct AdminSection
  • Fixed issue with individual products in a product bundle were out of stock
  • In the My Changes list grid, when having enough changes to warrant a scrollbar, attempting to select on the bottom changes causes scroll-up and no selection.


  • Theme Fields now have the ability to have translations added in the admin
  • Ensure that the BRC is configured for resource resolving
  • Update our OOB Page data to include meta titles & introduce a plain page template
  • Introduce methods to determine whether or not the current cart has a CreditCard payment associated to it
  • Allow UTF-8 characters (like accent marks) in message bundles
  • Consolidated the mbeans configuration and ensured one is marked primary to fix Spring Boot Mbeans exposure
  • Introduced the ability to disable customer saved payments
  • Update OrderHistory UI to use new MaterialKit styles
  • Dependency Updates - Spring Boot to 1.5.6, Spring core to 4.3.10, Lombok to 1.16.18
  • Use th:utext when displaying admin message properties for proper display of accented characters
  • Upgraded Log4J dependency and references to Log4J2 and made the dependency optional
  • Refactor SEO VariableExpressions & Services to provide enhance meta data
  • Refactor checkout flow to enhance the payment stage & better incorporate saved payments
  • Enhance TranslationService to support multiple retrieval strategies
  • Added Spring Mobile module to detect request device and make available for RuleBuilders
  • Incorporated Metadata into the homepage, product pages, & category pages
  • Introduce Customer Saved Payment functionality
  • Enhance OrderPayment and CustomerPayment management
  • Add property source, message bundles, module registration and AutoImportSQL interfaces for backwards and forwards compatibility with the Broadleaf 5.x line
  • Added Spring Mobile module to detect request device and make available for RuleBuilders

Total Resolved Issues: 45