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Content Targeting

The Advanced CMS module also adds the ability to define rules to determine what content should be shown to a user based on their current context. For example, we might want to show a different banner ad if the user is registered, or we might want to change a page variable if they have at least $50 in their shopping cart.

The actions that are currently supported include:

  • Showing an alternate content item on a page. (Display a different banner ad if the user is registered)

  • Changing a page variable. (Show a different featured product)

  • Showing a different page entirely. (VIP Customers get a special version of the FAQ page)

  • Showing a page with an alternate template (Give B2B customers a simpler category browse template that speeds up adding to cart)

Each of these actions can be controlled by rules. Out of box, Broadleaf provides several rule builders, such as allowing targeting based on customer attributes or cart attributes. Of course, you're easily able to add additional properties to these rule builders or create your own customized builders.