OMS Endpoints
These endpoints can be enabled in the admin interface by adding @EnableFrameworkRestControllers
to your admin configuration class. Please see the Full Framework Controller Documentation for more information.
Retrieve Fulfillment Orders
You can return all the FulfillmentOrders for the specified order
, url: GET /order/{orderNumber}/fulfillmentOrders
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path variable | The Order Number of the order you wish to retrieve the fulfillment orders for |
Field | Description |
orderNumber | The order number of the associated order |
status | Status of the fulfillment order |
fulfillmentOrderNumber | The fulfillment order number of the fulfillment order |
fulfillmentGroupId | The id of the associated fulfillment group |
fulfillmentOrderNotes | A list of the notes on the fulfillment order |
items | A list of the items and quantities in the fulfillment order |
shipmentDetails | A list of the shipments associated with the fulfillment order |
acknowledged | A flag indicating whether the fulfillment order has been read and acknowledged |
parentOrderAttributes | attributes from the associated order |
customerId | id of the associated customer |
customerFirstName | first name of the associated customer |
customerLastName | last name of the associated customer |
customerEmailAddress | email address of the associated customer |
Ship Items
You can ship/fulfill specific items. If a fulfillment order number is provided, then broadleaf will attempt to fulfill the requested items on that fulfillment order. If a fulfillment order is not provided then broadleaf will determine the best fulfillment order capable of completing the request. When processing the request, if a fulfillment order is capable of fulfilling the request but the requested items do not account for all of the items on the fulfillment order, then the fulfillment order will be split into 2 fulfillment orders, one containing the fulfilled items with a status of FULFILLED
and one containing the remaining unfulfilled items with the original status.
, url: POST /order/{orderNumber}/fulfillmentOrders
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to ship items for |
fulfillmentOrderNumber | optional request parameter | The fulfillment order number for the fulfillment order. Required if fulfilling items from a specific Fulfillment Order, otherwise Broadleaf will determine the best Fulfillment Order capable of completing the request |
items (skuId, quantity) | required request parameter | A list of the items and quantities you wish to fulfill |
shipmentDetails (shipperType, trackingNumber, serviceCode) | optional request parameter | An optional set of information about the shipment. shipperType is type of shipper, i.e. UPS, FEDEX, etc. trackingNumber is the shipper's tracking number. serviceCode is the shipper's service code i.e. 17, 01, 14, etc. |
fulfillmentOrderNotes | optional request parameter | Any optional notes you like to add to the fulfillment order that is going to be fulfilled |
Example request payload:
"items" : [
"skuId" : 1,
"quantity" : 5
"skuId" : 78,
"quantity" : 2
"shipmentDetails" : [
"shipperType" : "UPS",
"trackingNumber" : "1Z204E380338943508",
"serviceCode" : "01"
"fulfillmentOrderNotes" : [
"Bob packaged and shipped these items"
Retrieve Order Notes
You can retrieve a list of the notes for a specified order
, url: GET /order/{orderNumber}/notes
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to retrieve notes for |
Field | Description |
orderNote | A string containing the contents of the note |
Example response:
"orderNote" : "The customer asked for a discount on this order"
"orderNote" : "Gave the customer a 10% discount"
Add Order Notes
You can add an order note to an order.
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/notes: POST
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to add a note to |
orderNote | Required request parameter | The contents of the note that wish to add to the order |
Example payload:
"orderNote" : "The customer wants to change their payment method"
Cancel Order
You can cancel an Order by order number
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/cancel: POST
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to cancel |
reason | Optional request parameter | The reason the order is being cancelled, i.e. CUSTOMER_REJECT, FRAUD, etc., not required |
comment | Optional request parameter | An optional message that will added to the order as a note |
Example payload:
"reason" : "FRAUD",
"comment" : "the credit card was flagged as fraudulent"
Cancel Items
You can cancel specific items on an order. If a fulfillment order number is provided, then broadleaf will attempt to cancel the requested items on that fulfillment order. If a fulfillment order is not provided then broadleaf will determine the best fulfillment order capable of completing the request. When processing the request, if a fulfillment order is capable of completing the request but the requested items do not account for all of the items on the fulfillment order, then the fulfillment order will be split into 2 fulfillment orders, one containing the cancelled items with a status of CANCELLED
and one containing the remaining items with the original status.
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/cancelItems: POST
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want cancel items on |
fulfillmentOrderNumber | Optional request parameter | The fulfillment order number for the fulfillment order. Required if cancelling items from a specific Fulfillment Order, otherwise Broadleaf will determine the best Fulfillment Order capable of completing the request |
items (skuId, quantity) | Required request parameter | A list of the items and quantities you wish to cancel |
Example payload:
"items" : [
"skuId" : 101,
"quantity" : 1
"skuId" : 23,
"quantity" : 7
Cancel Single Item
You can cancel a single item on a fulfillment order. Much like partially cancelling a fulfillment order, if the quantity to cancel does not account for the total quantity on the fulfillment order, the fulfillment order will be split into 2 fulfillment orders, one with the cancelled item and quantity on it, and one with the remaining items/quantity.
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/fulfillment/{fulfillmentOrderId}/item/{skuId}/cancel: POST
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want cancel the item on |
fulfillmentOrderId | Required path parameter | The id of the fulfillment order you want cancel the item on |
skuId | Required path parameter | The id of the sku on the fulfillment item you want cancel |
quantity | Required request parameter | The quantity of the single item to cancel |
Example payload:
"quantity" : 3
Block Order
You can execute the blocking workflow on an order and block the order
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/block: POST
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to run the blocking workflow on |
Update Fulfillment Group Address
You can update the address that is used for shipping by updating a fulfillment group's address
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/fulfillment/group/{fulfillmentGroupId}: PUT
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order with the fulfillment group address you want to update |
fulfillmentGroupId | Required path parameter | The id of the fulfillment group you want to update |
address | Required request parameter | The address information you want to set on the fulfillment group |
Example payload:
"address" : {
"firstName" : "billy",
"lastName" : "bob",
"addressLine1" : "42 Wallaby Way",
"addressLine2" : "Building 2",
"addressLine3" : "Suite 401",
"city" : "Austin",
"isoCountrySubdivision" : "US",
"isoCountryAlpha2" : "US",
"stateProvinceRegion" : "TX",
"postalCode" : "78701",
"phonePrimary" : {
"id" : 10,
"phoneNumber" : "555-555-5555",
"isActive" : true,
"isDefault" : true
Retrieve Fulfillment Groups
You can retrieve a list of FulfillmentGroups for a specific order
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/fulfillment/showGroups: GET
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to retrieve fulfillment groups for |
Field | Description |
orderId | the id of the associated order |
fulfillmentType | the type of fulfillment used for the fulfillment group, i.e. DIGITAL, PHYSICAL_SHIP |
fulfillmentOption | information about the fulfillment group's selected fulfillment option |
total | total amount value for the fulfillment group |
fulfillmentPrice | the amount charged for fulfillment, such as shipping cost |
address | the address information on the fulfillment group, usually the shipping address |
phone | the phone information on the fulfillment group |
Example response:
"orderId" : 12,
"fulfillmentType" : "PHYSICAL_SHIP",
"fulfillmentOption" : {
"id" : 5,
"name" : "standard",
"description" : "5 - 7 Days",
"fulfillmentType" : "PHYSICAL_SHIP"
"total" : {
"amount" : 32.00,
"currency" : "USD"
"fulfillmentPrice" : {
"amount" : 5.00,
"currency" : "USD"
"address" : {
"firstName" : "billy",
"lastName" : "bob",
"addressLine1" : "42 Wallaby Way",
"addressLine2" : "Building 2",
"addressLine3" : "Suite 401",
"city" : "Austin",
"isoCountrySubdivision" : "US",
"isoCountryAlpha2" : "US",
"stateProvinceRegion" : "TX",
"postalCode" : "78701",
"phonePrimary" : {
"id" : 7,
"phoneNumber" : "555-555-5555",
"isActive" : true,
"isDefault" : true
"phone" : {
"id" : 4,
"phoneNumber" : "555-555-5555",
"isActive" : true,
"isDefault" : false
Update Order Payment Address
You can update the billing address on an order payment
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/payment/{paymentId}: PUT
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to update the order payment addres on |
paymentId | Required path parameter | The id of the order payment that you want to update the address on |
address | Required request parameter | The address information you want to set on the order payment |
Example payload:
"address" : {
"firstName" : "billy",
"lastName" : "bob",
"addressLine1" : "42 Wallaby Way",
"addressLine2" : "Building 2",
"addressLine3" : "Suite 401",
"city" : "Austin",
"isoCountrySubdivision" : "US",
"isoCountryAlpha2" : "US",
"stateProvinceRegion" : "TX",
"postalCode" : "78701",
"phonePrimary" : {
"id" : 10,
"phoneNumber" : "555-555-5555",
"isActive" : true,
"isDefault" : true
Retrieve Order Payments
You can retrieve a list of the payments associated with an order
, url: /order/{orderNumber}/payment/showPayments: GET
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderNumber | Required path parameter | The order number of the order you want to retrieve payments for |
Example response:
"id" : 3,
"orderId" : 7,
"type" : "CREDIT_CARD",
"billingAddress" : {
"firstName" : "billy",
"lastName" : "bob",
"addressLine1" : "42 Wallaby Way",
"addressLine2" : "Building 2",
"addressLine3" : "Suite 401",
"city" : "Austin",
"isoCountrySubdivision" : "US",
"isoCountryAlpha2" : "US",
"stateProvinceRegion" : "TX",
"postalCode" : "78701",
"phonePrimary" : {
"id" : 10,
"phoneNumber" : "555-555-5555",
"isActive" : true,
"isDefault" : true
"amount" : 32.00,
"currency" : "USD",
"referenceNumber" : "12345",
"gatewayType" : "Passthrough",
"isActive" : true,
"transaction" : {
"id" : 7,
"orderPaymentId" : 3,
"parentTransactionId" : null,
"customerIpAddress" : "",
"rawResponse" : "raw string response from the payment gateway",
"success" : true,
"amount" : 32.00,
"currency" : "USD",
"additionalFields" : [
"key" : "LAST_FOUR",
"value" : "4783"