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OMS Change Order:

The BLC OMS change order functionality utilizes the "shop as guest" mechanism to modify an order that has already been submitted, but not yet sent to fulfillment.

Behind the scenes:

  • From the BLC Admin, the CSR can "block" an order and proceed to create a change order.
  • The process of changing an order involves several things:
    • It utilizes the CSR "Shop as Guest" functionality to redirect the current CSR onto the Site with "CSR_OWNED" priveleges
    • Once on site, the CSR will take control of a CSR_OWNED cloned version of the most recent version of the current order.
    • Once an order is cloned, the state for the cloned order will be:
      • OrderStatus.CSR_OWNED
      • SecondaryOrderStatus.SUBMITTED
      • ChangeOrderStatus.CHANGE_IN_PROCESS
      • Order Number = 123456789-12345
      • Parent Order = Original Order
    • The state for the original order will still be:
      • OrderStatus.SUBMITTED
      • SecondaryOrderStatus.BLOCKED
      • ChangeOrderStatus.NA
      • Order Number = 123456789
    • The CSR will be directed to a "CSR Review Change Order Page" where they can modify various aspects of the order they are working on. For example, shipping address/order payments/override pricing, etc...
    • From this page, the CSR also has the ability to go and "shop for customer" which will redirect to the root of the current Site context. From here, the CSR can add/remove items from their cart as a normal customer would. All extensions and customizations on top of the add to cart or pricing workflows can still be leveraged since this funcitonality is being served from Site.
  • Once the CSR has finished modifying the order, they can finish the process by clicking complete change order at the top of the CSR action toolbar.
  • The process of completing a "change order" involves several steps:
    • the blCompleteChangeOrderWorkflow will be called in order to finalize the process (the activities can be extended/customized) as with any other workflow activity:
    • the CompleteChangeOrderActivity will do the following:
    • The cloned order will now become the current working version of the order:
      • OrderStatus.SUBMITTED
      • SecondaryOrderStatus.SUBMITTED
      • ChangeOrderStatus.CHANGE_COMPLETE
      • Order Number = 123456789
    • The state for the original order will now be archived and the order number switched:
      • OrderStatus.ARCHIVED
      • SecondaryOrderStatus.BLOCKED
      • ChangeOrderStatus.NA
      • Order Number = 123456789-12345
    • By default, the blocking workflow will automatically be called after the change order workflow is complete.

Note: You may wish to "turn off" certain activities on Site if you are in the context of a change order. For example, you may not want to re-evaluate promotions or promotional pricing. If so, you can extend the appropriate activities (e.g. org.broadleafcommerce.core.pricing.service.workflow.OfferActivity and override the following method to be something like:

    public boolean shouldExecute(ProcessContext<Order> context) {
        Order order = context.getSeedData();
        if (order != null && order instanceof OMSOrder &&
                ChangeOrderStatus.CHANGE_IN_PROCESS.equals(((OMSOrder) order).getChangeOrderStatus())) {
            return false;
        return super.shouldExecute(context);