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Migration from 2.3 to 2.4.0 GA

Change the name of email templates to fit the new email template naming standard:

  1. return-authorization-email.html --> return_authorization_email.html
  2. return-confirmation-email.html --> return_confirmation_email.html

New Events

There are a few new events that are now dispatched throughout the oms module.

  1. Order Block (OrderBlockEvent)
  2. Order Change (OrderChangeEvent)
  3. Order Cancelled (OrderCancelledEvent)
  4. Fulfillment Order Fulfilled (FulfillmentOrderFulfilledEvent)
  5. Fulfillment Order Cancelled (FulfillmentOrderCancelledEvent)
  6. Return Authorization (ReturnAuthorizationEvent)
  7. Return Confirmation (ReturnConfirmationEvent)