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OMS E-mails:

The BLC OMS has the ability and hookpoints to send mulitiple types of emails by utilizing the blEmailService

Re-send Order Confirmation Email

  • This is sent from the AdminOMSOrderController when the following endpoint is invoked /{orderId}/resendConfirmation:
  • This expect that the same order confirmation email info bean (that is sent after checkout) is present java <bean id="blOrderConfirmationEmailInfo" parent="blEmailInfo"> <property name="subject" value="Your order with The Heat Clinic"/> <property name="emailTemplate" value="order_confirmation_email"/> <property name="emailType" value="ORDER_CONFIRMATION"/> </bean>

Return Authorization Email

  • This is sent from the AdminOMSCustomerController when the following endpoint is invoked /create-rma:
  • You can configure in your core application the following email info bean java <bean id="blReturnAuthorizationEmailInfo" parent="blEmailInfo"> <property name="subject" value="Your return with The Heat Clinic"/> <property name="emailTemplate" value="return_authorization_email"/> <property name="emailType" value="RETURN_AUTHORIZATION"/> </bean>

Return Confirmation Email

  • This is sent from the AdminOMSReceiptController when the following endpoint is invoked /{returnAuthorizationGroupId}/complete:
  • You can configure in your core application the following email info bean java <bean id="blReturnConfirmationEmailInfo" parent="blEmailInfo"> <property name="subject" value="Your return with The Heat Clinic"/> <property name="emailTemplate" value="return_confirmation_email"/> <property name="emailType" value="RETURN_CONFIRMATION"/> </bean>