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OMS Related Order Search:

In order to perform a fraud search on specific fields, you must appropriately index the fields on the Order you would like to search by. The load_oms_search_fields.sql file provided with the OMS module contain default index fields out-of-box.

Configuring the Display:

In order to customize the templates you can find the Thymeleaf partials here:

  • The Related Orders Tab template can be found here: oms/modules/order/relatedOrdersTab
  • The listgrid template that displays related orders can be found here oms/partials/listgrids/relatedOrdersListGrid

To add new indexable field "checkbox" to search by, you can modify the relatedOrdersTab partial and add any new fields you wish (provided that they are in the index)

For example:

        <input class="related-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="cfname" th:value="${order.customer.firstName}">
        First Name

Notice that the name=cfname matches an indexable field configured in the DB:

INSERT INTO BLC_FIELD (FIELD_ID, ENTITY_TYPE, PROPERTY_NAME, FRIENDLY_NAME, ABBREVIATION) VALUES (-1604, 'org.broadleafcommerce.core.order.domain.Order', 'customer.firstName', 'Customer First Name', 'cfname');