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BroadleafCommercePrivate - 5.1.3-GA

Released on June 2, 2017

This is the 3rd patch release for Broadleaf Framework 5.1.x.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Critical Bugs(3)

  • Fixed issue where child order item pricing was getting rolled up into the parent order item
  • Prevented the possibility of strange redirect behavior after customer registration
  • Fixed SearchFacet deletion issues

Major Bugs(13)

  • Enhanced Sandbox queries that checked for empty strings to also check for is not null to accommodate how Oracle treats blank values
  • Created property to determine whether to use HTTP cookies everywhere
  • Fixed typo in divide by zero check
  • Added in RelatedProductsVariableExpression to replace processor
  • Only use first filter button returned from jQuery selector
  • Fixed archived check to check for NULL or 'N'
  • Removed unnecessary transactional annotation to the CMSStorage persistence unit on every static asset retrieval
  • Addressed issue where search results could not be viewed without the Enterprise module loaded
  • Refactored to set the sku property’s displayName by using the proper Sku name
  • Will now check field type instead of field value to determine whether the field is a string
  • Addressed error that was causing an exception when creating a site user
  • Removed the redundant Product Option validator since this does not work with promotions and it is already done within the separate Product Options CustomPersistenceHandler
  • Will now use database call to retrieve search facet ranges for a given search facet

Minor Bugs(13)

  • Initialize listgrid column header widths on load
  • Prevent LazyInitException due to no session by retrieving managed instance of paymentTransaction from PostLoaderDao (or directly from the EntityManager as a fallback).
  • Corrected ProratedOrderItemAdjustment Sequence Generator segment to use ProratedOrderItemAdjustmentId
  • Removed depreciation of DiscreteOrderItemImpls additionalAttributes collection.
  • Removed sandbox id from the url handler cache key
  • Moved all asset grid related functionality to the enterprise module
  • Will now price the wishlist during save instead of add
  • Fixed boolean keyword replacement in the sql server sql command extractor
  • Fixed timestamp modification and handled backslash escape characters in the oracle sql extractor
  • Fixed an issue where skus on product bundles would not preview sandbox changes correctly
  • Fixed bug in entityForm.js causing deletes to not work in admin
  • Automatically refresh the admin login page whenever the session times out
  • Sort by name field will now give a "random" order


  • Added in extensions to allow for json faceting and nested pricing functionality


  • Several ListGrid enhancements were made
  • Add the ability to read index fields by their abbreviation and entity type
  • Enhance query context for selectize requests
  • Upgraded Spring version to 4.2.9.RELEASE
  • Added Request Context DTO Attributes
  • Added a validation servlet filter implementation for differentiating id-based access per site (not enabled by default)

Total Resolved Issues: 43