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Order Fulfillment

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Order Fulfillment


Table Related Entity Description
BLC_DYN_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM DynamicPriceDiscreteOrderItem Contains discrete order item information that is dynamically priced
BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP FulfillmentGroup Holds fulfillment information about an order
BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_FEE FulfillmentGroupFee Contains fee information for a fulfillment group
BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_ITEM FulfillmentGroupItem Contains information for items in a fulfillment group
BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPTION FulfillmentOption Holds information about a particular fulfillment implementation
BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPTION_FIXED FixedPriceFulfillmentOption Contains single-price data for order fulfillment
BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPT_BANDED_PRC BandedPriceFulfillmentOption Contains fulfillment option data by price band
BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPT_BANDED_WGT BandedWeightFulfillmentOption Contains fulfillment option data by weight band
BLC_FULFILLMENT_PRICE_BAND FulfillmentPriceBand Contains pricing bands based on retail price of a fulfillment group
BLC_FULFILLMENT_WEIGHT_BAND FulfillmentWeightBand Contains pricing bands based on weight of a fulfillment group
Table Related Entity Description
BLC_ADDRESS Address Contains address information, e.g. city, state, and postal code
BLC_ORDER Order Represents an order in Broadleaf
BLC_PERSONAL_MESSAGE PersonalMessage Contains personal message information (e.g. from, to, message body)
BLC_PHONE Phone Represents a phone number in broadleaf
BLC_ORDER_ITEM OrderItem An abstract representation of an item on an order
BLC_CURRENCY BroadleafCurrency Contains currency information, such as code and if it's default