Embedded Solr
Embedded Solr is the default deployment option with Broadleaf for simplicity's sake. Embedded Solr is a mechanism that allows Solr to be run as a service inside Broadleaf where the index is written to the local file system, usually a temp directory. This is the flavor of Solr that is used with Broadleaf's Demo Site. The configuration works well for getting started or for development environments. However, it is not usually the recommended configuration for environments like production.
How to configure Embedded Solr
Embedded Solr is configured out of the box with Broadleaf Commerce. However, it's important to understand how it works and how to change configurations to allow Solr to use different local directories for configuration and indexing.
When the Site (customer facing site as opposed to the Admin) is started, one of the Spring configurations is the Broadleaf SearchService, with the Spring bean name blSearchService
. The default implementation is org.broadleafcommerce.core.search.service.solr.SolrSearchServiceImpl
. Besides being responsible for issuing requests to Solr, this class is responsible for the basic setup of Solr-related dependencies. It has several constructors:
public SolrSearchServiceImpl(String solrServer) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
Several other constructors accept Strings but delegate back to the above constructor for consistency:
public SolrSearchServiceImpl(String solrServer, String reindexServer)
throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
public SolrSearchServiceImpl(String solrServer, String reindexServer, String adminServer)
throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
These constructors activate the embedded Solr Server. The details can be found by looking at the single argument constuctor, above. However, there are a few things to understand about this. First, if the String
"solrhome" is passed to the constructor, then then a directory is created in the temp directory, defined by java.io.tmpdir
, which is usually the operating system's temporary directory. That is the case unless the Java System Property tmpdir.solrhome
is set. If tmpdir.solrhome
is set as a System Property, then the value of this will be used instead (assuming the directory has been created and that the user running the Java process has read and write access to the directory). If any value except "solrhome" is passed to the constructor, then Broadleaf assumes that it is the directory that you wish to use to store the configuration and index data. The system will create the appropriate subdirectories and put the appropriate files in them to run an embedded Solr instance. By default, two Solr cores are created--"primary" and "reindex". This allows Broadleaf to reindex the catalog in a background thread to an offline or reindex core, while allowing the online or primary core to continue to serve customer requests. When indexing is complete, Broadleaf swaps the cores, making the newly reindexed core primary and the former primary core offline to be used next time reindexing occurs.
As noted, Broadleaf is configured out-of-the-box to use embedded Solr. Here is how the configuration works:
In site/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
, there is a file called applicationContext.xml
. This contains the Solr configuration for Site (remember that Admin does not use Solr by default in the Community Edition). There is a Spring Bean, defined as solrEmbedded
, which is simply a String
<bean id="solrEmbedded" class="java.lang.String">
<constructor-arg value="solrhome"/>
As you can see, the value of this String
is "solrhome". There is also a Bean called "blSearchService". This defines the actual search service, which must implement the interface org.broadleafcommerce.core.search.service.SearchService
. Here is the default configuration:
<bean id="blSearchService" class="org.broadleafcommerce.core.search.service.solr.SolrSearchServiceImpl">
<constructor-arg name="solrServer" ref="${solr.source.primary}" />
<constructor-arg name="reindexServer" ref="${solr.source.reindex}" />
<constructor-arg name="adminServer" ref="${solr.source.admin}" />
Notice the property substitutions. You can replace the property substitutions with a concrete Spring Bean name. For simplicity, we store the bean names in properties files so you can use different implementations in different environments. In site/src/main/resources/runtime-properties/common.properties
, you'll notice the settings:
This causes Spring to replace the property placeholders with the Spring Bean, solrEmbedded
, whose value is "solrhome". As described, above, this causes the constructor which accepts a single String
to be invoked, which starts Solr in embedded mode using a temp director as a local data store.
Using Embedded Solr in Production
It is generally recommended to use a different deployment approach in production for Solr than using the embedded approach. There are a number of reasons for this:
- You have more control over management and monitoring of Solr in an environment using SolrCloud or a Stand-Alone Solr Server
- You can query Solr from a browser when using SolrCloud or Stand-Alone Solr, which you cannot do with embedded Solr (helps with troubleshooting)
- Embedded Solr does not scale as well for large catalogs or very high traffic
- With Embedded Solr, if you have a cluster of customer facing Broadleaf instances, each node needs to reindex when there are changes, as opposed to reindexing a central Solr environment
However, if your catalog is relatively small (several thousand products or less) and you don't have complex reindex requirements across multiple nodes, you may be OK using Embedded Solr in production. As a general rule, though, we recommend using SolrCloud or a Stand-Alone Solr server for more mission critical needs.
Something to note about upgrading Broadleaf: If you are using Embedded Solr locally or in another environment and you upgrade to the latest version of Broadleaf, there are sometimes incompatibilities because we do not recreate directories or artifacts. The easiest way to deal with this is to delete or prune the directories and files in your solrhome
directory, wherever that is on the file system. You should only need to do this once and only if you are using embedded Solr after a major upgrade if you see an exception dealing with incompatbilities with Solr or Lucene.