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3.0.10-GA to 3.0.11-GA Migration

While none of the below steps are required, this is recommended when upgrading to 3.0.11-GA. The full diff of the changes that we made the the stock DemoSite project is at

Update Google Analytics snippet

Replace the following invocation of the GoogleAnalyticsProcessor (usually in head.html):

<blc:googleAnalytics th:attr="orderNumber=${order != null ? order.orderNumber : null}" />
<script th:utext="${analytics}"></script>

with the following:

<blc:google_universal_analytics ordernumber="${order?.orderNumber}" />

Utilize the BroadleafCookieLocaleResolver

This ensures that the locale picked by Spring (like when resolving message bundles) can use the default locale specified in the database.

In applicationContext-servlet.xml, replace this snippet:

<bean id="localeResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver">
    <property name="defaultLocale" value="en"/>

with the following:

<bean id="localeResolver" class="org.broadleafcommerce.common.web.BroadleafCookieLocaleResolver" />

General Windows workspace modifications for finding tools.jar

In your root pom.xml include this profile and dependency:

<!-- These profiles are for Windows/Linux environments that cannot find tools.jar and regularly run from Eclipse. -->
<!-- Activated by the profiles above for the paths to tools.jar-->

Java 8 build changes

If you are using a Java 8 JVM for compiling and running locally, replace the keytool-maven-plugin with the following in both admin/pom.xml and site/pom.xml:
