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Broadleaf Commerce 6.1.8-GA

Released on August 31, 2021


This is the 8th patch release for Broadleaf Framework 6.1.x. To upgrade a 6.1.x application to the 6.1.8-GA release, it should only require updating the parent pom.xml broadleaf-boot-starter-parent to 6.1.8-GA.

New and Noteworthy

Duplication Enhancements

A new feature was introduced in the last release to allow duplication of a product from the Admin. As mentioned before, duplication is done in the production with Activation Date set to a year in the future. It is expected that URL, Name and Activation Date will be edited by the user after duplication.
There are several enhancements done with this feature. For Products, it is now possible to duplicate to another catalog. Clicking "Duplicate" button, which is available under the dropdown menu next to 'Save', will now display catalog selector.
Property to enable the feature:


Product Duplication Within Same Catalogs

Duplication within same catalog will result in complete duplication where related entities like product options, categories and alternate SKUs will also be duplicated.

Product Duplication Across Catalogs

Duplication from one catalog to another will be limited. Related entities like categories, options, alternate SKUs will not be duplicated. However, some custom entities and media references may be duplicated.

Duplication Of Additional Entities

Duplication of other entities were impacted in the last release. The support for duplication has been re-enabled in this release. Unlike Product, these are not available to duplicate across catalogs. The entities available for duplication:

  • Offers
  • Content Items
  • Content Targeters

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bug(2)

  • In ProcessDetailLogger, removed @Value from constructor and added a post-construct method to initialize the class
  • In CategoryLinkedDataGeneratorImpl and ProductLinkedDataGeneratorImpl session can be lost during forward/redirect and causes "Session/EntityManager is closed exception" when lazy collection is be read. Added extra step to read data again from DB in such case.


  • Duplication enhancements mentioned above.
  • Anti-samy upgraded from 1.5.7 to 1.6.4
  • Added a Customer and Order batch query that supports "read from last ID" which improves paging performance

Total Resolved Issues: 5