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Broadleaf Commerce 6.1.7-GA

Released on July 12, 2021

This is the 7th patch release for Broadleaf Framework 6.1.x. To upgrade a 6.1.x application to the 6.1.7-GA release, it should only require updating the parent pom.xml broadleaf-boot-starter-parent to 6.1.7-GA.

New and Noteworthy

Product Duplication

There is a new feature to allow duplication of a product from admin. Duplication is done in the production with Activation Date set to a year in the future. It is expected that URL, Name and Activation Date will be edited by the user after duplication.
The option is available under the dropdown menu next to save button of the product.
Property to enable the feature:


Note: Introduction of this feature has impacted the existing feature to duplicate other entities (like offers and content item). If you use duplication for other entities, please skip this release.


Following are the various library upgrades that addresses security vulnerabilities

  • Spring -> 5.1.16.RELEASE to 5.1.20.RELEASE
  • Spring Security -> 5.2.10.RELEASE to 5.2.11.RELEASE
  • Commons Codec -> 1.11 to 1.14
  • ESAPI -> to >
  • Apache Httpclient -> 4.5.6 to 4.5.13
  • Hibernate Validator -> 6.0.18.Final to 6.0.22.Final

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bugs(1)

  • Fixed the issue where an admin user was able to change another admin user's password by messing with the HTML form.

Minor Bugs(12)

  • Fixed the issue where resources were always getting a version marker even when versioning was disabled.
  • Fixed ConfirmedPaymentRollbackHandler to make sure to archive all the payments if a rollback is triggered.
  • Fixed the WYSIWYG editor to properly encode the '«' and '»' characters
  • Removed Lazy loading from ManyToOne relationships of various entities to address proxy related issues.
  • Fix to account the option Apply to items already on sale = No when assessing the discount value.
  • Fixed the issue where Sorting for values of BroadleafEnumerationType doesn't work
  • Fix for having adorned list entity another adorned list
  • Changed Money evaluations against Money.ZERO to use 'compareTo()' instead of 'equals()'
  • Added versions to css, js files that are referenced directly
  • Fixed the issue where Sku Auditable UI was showing the admin userID instead of the admin username
  • Use createStandaloneElement() for the CSS link tag so that it closes properly during resource bundling.
  • Changed the logging level to error if paymentGatewayCheckoutService is null in PaymentGatewayAbstractController.


  • Code refactoring for OrderToPaymentRequestDTOServiceImpl class.
  • Added County field in various address sections in the Admin UI.
  • Added a validation check prior to a category deletion that the category is not a primary category.
  • Added search capabilities for entities when Folder-View is enabled.
  • Added the ability to create a new entity inside the current folder when Folder-View is enabled.
  • Merged bug fixes and enhancements included in 6.0.14-GA


  • Implemented a new feature to duplicate a product in the same catalog.

Total Resolved Issues: 20