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Creating a Sale

Sales within Broadleaf allow you to affect the price of products and SKUs during the customer's browsing experience. This is in contrast to an offer, which only affects the price once SKUs have been added to the cart.

Set Up the Sale

To set up a new sale, navigate to the "Sales" section of the Admin interface. This section can currently be found under the "Pricing" top level section in the left nav.

Selecting "Add Sales" in the upper right corner will take us to the sale creation screen.


  1. Beginning on the "General" tab:

    • Give our new sale an appropriate name.
    • Select the currency to target by clicking the magnifying glass on the "Currency" field. > Note: If we don't select a target currency, then this sale will apply to all currencies.
    • Add any "Promotion Messages" (See section on promotion messages)
    • Select the desired start and end dates in the "Active Date Range" group. > Note: Selecting a start date without an end date will cause the sale to run indefinitely after the start date. Similarly, not specifying a start date will cause the sale to never start.
  2. Moving to the "Rules" tab:
    This is where we can limit the sale to specific customers and/or pricing contexts.

When limiting to customers, we have several options:

  • All Customers - This is the default and will apply the sale to all users of our site.
  • Specific Customers Only - If this option is selected, only customers that have been directly assigned this sale "price list" will recieve the new pricing.
  • Qualified Customers and Specific Customers - In addition to directly assigned customers, we can define a rule to target qualified customers.
  • Customer Segments and Specific Customers - In addition to directly assigned customers, we can specify a list of previously created customer segments.
  1. Finally on to the "Price Modifiers" tab: This is where the sale pricing is actually configured. To calculate sales, we apply price modifiers to our products. Begin by selecting the "Add" button on the empty "Price Modifier" list.

This brings up a popup screen where we can define our new price modifier:

  • Give the modifier an appropriate name. (This name is used only within the admin interface and is useful when a sale consists of several different price modifiers.)
  • In the case where the sale will have more than one price modifier, it's good practice to set a priority. This way if two modifiers target the same product, we know which one will win.
  • Choose what type of calculation we want to be performed.
    • Percentage - This will cause a percentage of the products price to be reduced. (i.e. A modification amount of 20 equates to 20% off) The modification amount is between 0 and 100.
    • Multiplication - This is another way to calculate a percentage but instead of being out of 100 we can use decimal points. (i.e. A modification amount of 0.8 equates to 20% off)
    • Subtraction - This will allow us to specific an exact dollar amount we want to subtract from the current price.
    • Addition - Similar to the subtraction option, this allows us to specify an amount to add to the current price.
  • Select whether or not we want the sale to apply to a products "sale" price or to its MSRP.
  • The final question "Should this modifier only target certain items?" allows us to build a rule to target specific products. Selecting "yes" here will present a rule builder.
  • Once the modifier is complete, select "Save" at the bottom.
  1. Our sale is compelte and is nearly ready to go. To finish, select "Save" in the top right corner.