Broadleaf PriceList 3.1.2-GA
Released on June 2, 2017
This is the 2nd patch release for the Broadleaf PriceList 3.1.x module. The 3.1.x version of the PriceList module has the following dependencies:
- Broadleaf Commerce Framework 5.1.3-GA or higher
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Critical Bugs(1)
- Corrected logic in
so that anNPE
is not thrown whenpricelist.salePrice.returnValueOnEqualToRetailPrice == true
- Fixed an issue that prevented
sales price to be used when aPriceData
also had a retail price.
Major Bugs(4)
- Price list Contract/Sale Rule Evaluation Fix
- Removed unnecessary archive status checks in queries
- Resolved an issue where sale price was being retrieved incorrectly for internationalized pricing
- Will now return empty implementations rather than throw an exception when attempting to obtain the price tiers from the
Minor Bugs(3)
- When attempting to add a pricing sort field, only look at
field types - Change demo data load sql to use uppercase table names
- Fixed
when trace logging inPriceListRequestProcessor
- Added nested pricing document functionality
- Changed the active start date to default to the current date when creating a new Price list
- Refactored nested pricing functionality for better code use
Total Resolved Issues: 18