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Broadleaf PriceList 3.1.3-GA

Released on July 6, 2017

This is the 3rd patch release for the Broadleaf PriceList 3.1.x module. The 3.1.x version of the PriceList module has the following dependencies:

  • Broadleaf Commerce Framework 5.1.3-GA or higher

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bugs(4)

  • Fixed bug preventing multiple price facets from being correctly applied for nested pricing
  • Makes MVEL Rules Null Safe
  • Rather than throw an exception when attempting to obtain the price tiers from the SkuPriceDataDTO just return empty implementations
  • Make MvelHelper in charge of the expression cache


  • Default the active start date to the current date when creating a new Pricelist

Total Resolved Issues: 5