Broadleaf PriceList 3.1.0-GA
Released on December 15, 2016
This is the initial release for the Broadleaf PriceList 3.1.x module. This version of PriceList requires Broadleaf Framework 5.1.0.
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Major Bugs(3)
- Removed @Nonnull Annotation from PriceListRuleXrefImpl.getMatchRule
- Fix PromotionMessage Media Persistence
- Fix NPE occurring when SaleDataInfo is null
Minor Bugs(2)
- Fix PromotionMessage visualization
- Reveal Sale Priority Field
- Respond to a package refactoring in the latest version of the API module
- Refactor how PromotionMessages are used in the Cart
- Improve sale messaging and hide parent pricelist
- Only show promo message for active sale
- Support for multiple pricing services
Total Resolved Issues: 10