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Advanced Offer Data Model


Offer Tables

Table Related Entity Description
BLC_OFFER_TIER OfferTier Main table to store the Offer Tiers.
BLC_OFFER_TEMPLATE OfferTemplate Main table to store Offer Templates.
BLC_OFFER_DEP_FLD OfferDependentField Table to store fields that are a part of an Offer Template.
BLC_ADV_OFFER_PROMO_MSG_XREF AdvancedOfferPromotionMessageXref Many-to-many join table between Offers and Promotion Messages.
BLC_OFFER_CODE_GEN_INFO OfferCodeGenerationInfo Table to hold information about generated Offer Codes.
BLC_OCG_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_XREF OfferCodeGenerationAdditionalOfferXref Many-to-many join table between Offer Code Generation Info and Offers. This allows more than one offer to be associated with a set of generated offer codes.
BLC_OFFER_CODE_RULE OfferCodeRule (Deprecated) Definition of a rule that must be matched to apply an offer.
BLC_OFFER_CODE_RULE_MAP OfferCodeOfferCodeRuleXref (Deprecated) Many-to-many join table between Offer Codes and Offer Code Rules.

Offer Adjustment Tables

Table Related Entity Description
BLC_ORDER_ITEM_DTL_ADJ OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustment Records the actual adjustments that were made to an OrderItemPriceDetail (E.g. Amount off items).
BLC_ORDER_ADJUSTMENT OrderAdjustmentImpl Records the actual adjustments that were made to an Order. (E.g. Amount off order)
BLC_FG_ADJUSTMENT FulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl Records the actual Fulfillment Group Adjustments that were made to an Order (E.g. Amount off shipping).