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Broadleaf ScheduledJobsAndEvents 4.0.1-GA

Released on May 16, 2024

This is the 1st patch release for the Broadleaf Scheduled Jobs And Events 4.0.x module. This module requires Broadleaf Framework 7.0.0-GA or greater.

Noteworthy changes:

Some deprecated classes and methods are removed from the module. Here is a list:

  • and
  • and
  • From removed lockGlobalEvent() and removeLock()
  • From removed getDurableEventsPerPoll() and setDurableEventsPerPoll()
  • From removed buildGlobalEventLockKey() and buildGlobalEventRemovalKey()

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(2)

  • Made start() and stop() methods synchronized in ScheduledDeployManagerImpl
  • Fixed the issue where some purging jobs would throw foreign key exceptions. Changed the query to delete event details and detail chunks first before event deletion itself.


  • Removed deprecated classes and methods that are mentioned above.
  • Updated ID generator design for Hibernate 6. Replaced @TableGenerator with @GenericGenerator with correct properties.
  • Improved formatting and cleaned up code throughout the module.
  • Merged bug fixes and enhancements included in 3.3.7-GA

Total Resolved Issues: 6