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Broadleaf OMS 2.0.5-GA

Released on October 12, 2016

This is the 5th patch release for the Broadleaf Order Management System 2.0.x module.


CSR Assisted Shopping Enhancements

  • Provide ability for Customer Service Representatives to "transfer" carts back to anonymous customers during the shop as guest flow.
  • Provide ability for Customer Service Representatives to shop for multiple customers at one time (multi-session / incognito shopping)
  • Fixed the CSS for shop as guest "CSR Modals"

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(2)

  • Fixed Incorrect date format for order filtering by date
  • Made note field required for orders and customers and added safeguard against persisting a null value


  • Several Customer Service Representatives assisted shopping enhancements were added
  • Disabled fulfill order button by default

Total Resolved Issues: 4