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BLC provides several CSR modes that can be enabled on site:

  1. CSR Shop as Guest/Shop as Customer
  2. OMS Change Order


Note In order to enable the "shop as guest" mode, you must have the Enterprise module installed (see: Enterprise installation docs) for more details. In order to have OMS "change order", you must have both the Enterprise and OMS module installed.

To enable the CSR "shop as guest" and the OMS change order functionality on site, you will need to add the following:

In your site's applicationContext-security.xml file, make sure you have the following spring security intercepts configured:

    <!-- The admin user selectors should be visible on any channel -->
    <sec:intercept-url pattern="/sandbox/view-selector" requires-channel="any"/>
    <sec:intercept-url pattern="/csrtools/**" requires-channel="any"/>
    <sec:intercept-url pattern="/oms-csrtools/**" requires-channel="any"/>

Next, you will need to include the appropriate CSS and JS resources into your site's template:

First, add the following to the <head></head> section of the templates that you wish the CSR selectors to appear on. For example in Heat Clinic, you would add it to the main partial WEB-INF/default-theme/templates/layout/partials/head.html so that it would appear on all pages.

<th:block th:if="${#brc.csrMode}">
    <blc:bundle name="csr.css"
                       omsClient.css" />

Finally, add the following to the footer, or wherever you load all your JS files. For example in Heat Clinic, you would add it to the end of WEB-INF/default-theme/templates/layout/partials/footer.html (after all the other libs have been loaded)

<div th:if="${#brc.csrMode}" th:remove="tag">
    <blc:bundle name="csr.js"
                       oms-csr-client.js" />

Now, your site should be enabled for both CSR checkout and OMS change order.


Shop as Guest/Customer

From the admin, you should be able to go to the Customer Section and click the button: Shop as Guest to initiate a CSR_OWNED anonymous customer session. A CSR also has the ability to Shop as Customer which allows the CSR to pick a specific customer to start a CSR_OWNED session from.

In order to "turn" the cart over to the customer, so that they may complete the order on their own, the CSR must click the Unlock Cart button on the CSR selector so that it assigns that working cart over to the customer. The customer on the phone can then sign in or refresh their page (if already signed in) to view any CSR made updates to their order.

OMS Change Order

OMS Change Order allows a CSR to change an already submitted error before it goes into fulfillment. This flow utilizes the same mechanisms as the shop as guest flow, however instead of acting on an IN_PROCESS cart, the original SUBMITTED order will be cloned and the new change order will be designated as CSR_OWNED with a ChangeOrderStatus of CHANGE_IN_PROCESS.

To view more details about what happens behind the scenes of a change order view Change Order