Adding exports to a new domain
- Add the export module as a dependency in your POM
- Create a new class extending
and add a new type in accordance to the domain that you're adding exports to Create an admin extension handler to add a button for exporting on the page that you want exporting to be done in the admin
- Most likely this would be done by creating a class that extends
and implementsaddAdditionalMainActions()
. Be sure that one of the button classes isexport-standard-action
in order for the JavaScript in the export module to automatically setup the onclick listener for it. Example:
@Override public ExtensionResultStatusType addAdditionalMainActions(String sectionClassName, List<EntityFormAction> actions) { if (sectionClassName.equals(CustomerSegment.class.getName()) || sectionClassName.equals(CustomerSegmentImpl.class.getName())) { actions.add(new EntityFormAction("export-customer-segment") .withDisplayText("export_customer_segments") .withIconClass("icon-upload") .withButtonClass("export-standard-action") .withUrlOverride("/export/customer-segment") ); return ExtensionResultStatusType.HANDLED_CONTINUE; } return ExtensionResultStatusType.NOT_HANDLED; }
- Most likely this would be done by creating a class that extends
Create a controller that has a GET and POST for whichever url you chose for the
property. In order to use the default modal popup provided in the export module be sure that the GET returns"views/configureExportPrompt"
. An example of the GET and POST created for the CustomerSegment export is shown below/** * Shows the form that the allows the user to create an export file */ @RequestMapping(value = "/customer-segment", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String viewConfigurePrompt(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) throws Exception { model.addAttribute("exportFormats", SupportedExportType.getTypes()); model.addAttribute("exportEncodings", SupportedExportEncoding.getTypes()); model.addAttribute("baseUrl", request.getRequestURL().toString()); return "views/configureExportPrompt"; } /** * Used by the Export Prompt to schedule a job so that the export can be processed later. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/customer-segment", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public @ResponseBody Map<String, String> uploadExport(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam(value = "shareable", defaultValue = "false") Boolean shareable, @RequestParam("exportEncoding") String exportEncoding, @RequestParam("exportType") String exportType) { Map<String, String> resp = new HashMap<>(); customerSegmentExportScheduler.scheduleExport(exportType, exportEncoding, shareable); resp.put("status", "success"); return resp; }
Next create an export event scheduler that extends
. In your custom scheduler, you should utilize the parent's controls forProcess
interactions to correctly interact with status for your background process. For example:@Component @ConditionalOnExport public class CustomerSegmentExportScheduler extends AbstractExportScheduler { @Resource protected CustomerSegmentService customerSegmentService; @Override public void scheduleAllCustomerSegmentExport(String formatType, String encodingType, boolean shareable, String friendlyName) { Map<String, String> processParams = buildProcessParams(formatType, encodingType, shareable, friendlyName); // Register the process Long processId = processRegistrationManager.register(friendlyName, CustomerSegmentExportProcessExecutor.PROCESS_TYPE, processParams); // Figure out the total records for my process to give statuses Long totalRecords = customerSegmentService.getNumberOfCustomerCustomerSegXrefs(); processStateManager.updateProgressTotals(processId, 0l, totalRecords); // Kick off the export process processActionManager.start(processId); } }
Then create an
that extendsAbstractExportProcessExecutor
. You will also notice that some of rthe methods here (likeupdateProcessProgress()
) update the amounts that have been processed as they get exported. For exmple:@ConditionalOnExport @Component("blCustomerSegmentExportProcessExecutor") public class CustomerSegmentExportProcessExecutor extends AbstractExportProcessExecutor { public static final String CUST_SEG_EXP_FILENAME = "customerSegmentExport.csv"; public static final String PROCESS_TYPE = "CUSTOMER_SEG_EXPORT"; public static final String CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_ID = "CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_ID"; @Resource(name = "blCustomerSegmentExportService") protected CustomerSegmentExportService customerSegmentExportService; @Resource(name = "blCustomerSegmentService") protected CustomerSegmentService customerSegmentService; private Integer batchSize = null; @Override protected void export(ExportProcessExecutorContext context) throws IOException { boolean isFirst = true; Long firstId = Long.MIN_VALUE; Long processId = context.getProcessId(); Long recordsProcessed = 0L; if (context.getProcessParams().containsKey(CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_ID)) { Long customerSegmentId = Long.parseLong(context.getProcessParams().get(CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_ID)); Long totalRecords = customerSegmentService.getNumberOfXrefsForCustomerSegment(customerSegmentId); do { firstId = customerSegmentExportService.exportBatchCustomerSegmentsCsv(customerSegmentId, firstId, getBatchSize(), context.getOutputStream(), isFirst); isFirst = false; recordsProcessed = updateProcessProgress(processId, firstId, recordsProcessed, totalRecords); } while (firstId != null); } else { Long totalRecords = customerSegmentService.getNumberOfCustomerCustomerSegXrefs(); do { firstId = customerSegmentExportService.exportAllBatchCustomerSegmentsCsv(firstId, getBatchSize(), context.getOutputStream(), isFirst); isFirst = false; recordsProcessed = updateProcessProgress(processId, firstId, recordsProcessed, totalRecords); } while (firstId != null); } } protected Long updateProcessProgress(Long processId, Long firstId, Long recordsProcessed, Long totalRecords) { // If firstId is null, then we just finished processing the last page, otherwise we just processed a full page if (firstId == null) { processStateManager.updateProgressTotal(processId, totalRecords); return totalRecords; } else { processStateManager.updateProgressTotal(processId, recordsProcessed + getBatchSize()); return recordsProcessed + getBatchSize(); } } @Override public String getExportFileName() { return CUST_SEG_EXP_FILENAME; } @Override public String getEntityType() { return CustomerSegmentExportEntityType.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT.getType(); } protected int getBatchSize() { if (batchSize == null) { batchSize = systemPropertiesService.resolveIntSystemProperty("customerSegments.export.batchSize", 100); } return batchSize; } @Override public String getProcessType() { return PROCESS_TYPE; } }
Lastly create a service that actually does the work of exporting which will be called by
method. For example@ConditionalOnExport @Service("blCustomerSegmentExportService") public class CustomerSegmentExportServiceImpl implements CustomerSegmentExportService { @Resource(name = "blCustomerSegmentService") protected CustomerSegmentService customerSegmentService; @Autowired protected ExportWriterProvider exportWriterProvider; @Autowired protected ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Override public void exportAllCustomerSegmentsCsv(OutputStream output, int batchSize) throws IOException { boolean isFirst = true; Long firstId = Long.MIN_VALUE; do { firstId = exportAllBatchCustomerSegmentsCsv(firstId, batchSize, output, isFirst); isFirst = false; } while (firstId != null); } @Override public Long exportAllBatchCustomerSegmentsCsv(Long firstId, int count, OutputStream output, boolean useHeaders) throws IOException { List<CustomerCustomerSegmentXref> xrefs = customerSegmentService.findBatchCustomerCustomerSegXrefs(firstId, count); return exportCustomerSegments(xrefs, count, output, useHeaders); } @Override public Long exportBatchCustomerSegmentsCsv(Long customerSegmentId, Long firstId, int count, OutputStream output, boolean useHeaders) throws IOException { List<CustomerCustomerSegmentXref> xrefs = customerSegmentService.findBatchXrefsForCustomerSegment(customerSegmentId, firstId, count); return exportCustomerSegments(xrefs, count, output, useHeaders); } protected Long exportCustomerSegments(List<CustomerCustomerSegmentXref> xrefs, int count, OutputStream output, boolean useHeaders) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException { Class<?> dtoClass = applicationContext.getBean(CustomerSegmentDTO.class.getName(), CustomerSegmentDTO.class).getClass(); ObjectWriter writer = exportWriterProvider.getCsvWriter(useHeaders, dtoClass); List<CustomerSegmentDTO> currentBatch = new ArrayList<>(); for (CustomerCustomerSegmentXref custXref : xrefs) { CustomerSegmentDTO dto = applicationContext.getBean(CustomerSegmentDTO.class.getName(), CustomerSegmentDTO.class); dto.wrap(custXref); currentBatch.add(dto); } customerSegmentService.clear(); writer.writeValue(output, currentBatch); // Return next ID to be passed in for next batch call or null to indicate last page if (CollectionUtils.size(currentBatch) == count) { return currentBatch.get(currentBatch.size() - 1).getId() + 1L; } else { return null; } } }
If you would wish for your export to support additional formats or encodings then it's advised to create classes extending