Module Installation
Steps to enable this module in your custom Broadleaf Commerce project
Step 1 Pull this dependency into your core/pom.xml
This assumes that you are using the Broadleaf BOM that pins all version information. If not, you will need to also add a
Data Changes
Admin Security Changes
The data in the following SQL file is required to establish Admin sections and permissions for this module:
This file is automatically included if you have set
and you have not set import.sql.enabled=false
in your properties files. If you are not using Hibernate's auto DDL process and are using Liquibase, you can add a new changeSet
that references this file:
<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<changeSet author="broadleaf" id="some-unique-id">
<sqlFile path="config/bc/sql/load_export_admin_security.sql" encoding="utf8" stripComments="true" />
Finally, you can unpack the downloaded .jar
file and look at the files in the config/bc/sql
folder to execute this sql manually.
Available Exports
Both Customer and Order exports are available out of the box. Each of these export have to be specifically enabled in order for them to be available in the admin.
In order to enable these exports, the following dependencies will need to be added into your core/pom.xml
For Product
For Customer:
For Order
Once added, the export functionality will be available from the respective entity List page. The "Add New ..." button will have a dropdown with the available exports listed.
Note that these exports reference a pre-defined list of fields. Any additional fields would require extending of the module.