Broadleaf AdvancedOffer 2.2.6-GA
Release Date: February 15th, 2019
This is the 6th patch release for the Broadleaf Advanced Offer 2.2.x module. This version requires Broadleaf Commerce Framework 5.2.8-GA or greater.
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Major Bugs(2)
- Fixes the issure where generating codes with length 13 or greater gives validation error
- Fix no bean exception for
Minor Bugs(4)
- Remove add delete and edit button from Offer code group page
- Adding Offer Code with same name as a previously deleted Offer Code does not allow new Offer Code to work
- Fixed an issue when audit fields not populated in
when generating offer codes - Prevent the clean up of the
field after OfferCode modal is opened
Total Resolved Issues: 6