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Broadleaf AdvancedOffer 2.2.0-GA

This is the first release for the Broadleaf Advanced Offer 2.2.x module. This version requires Broadleaf Commerce Framework 5.2.0-GA or greater.

Noteworthy Updates

Import and Export

Generated offer codes can now be exported and imported from both the admin UI and via RESTful endpoints. Example import CSV files can be downloaded on the import dialogue in the admin UI.

Detailed information can be found in the Importing Offer Codes and Exporting Offer Codes documentation.

Process Module Integration

This release brings integration with the new Process module. Now when importing or exporting data the process will be recorded along with progress in the new Active Processes and Process History sections in the Broadleaf admin application.

Offer by URL

Offers can now be applied automatically when a customer clicks a generated URL.

Detailed information can be found in the Offer Code By URL documentation.

New Configuration Properties

  • advancedOffers.export.batchSize

    the number of records to fetch from the database per batch during and export operation (default 5000)

  • advancedOffers.export.api.defaultPageSize

    the default number of records to return per page when exporting via the RESTful API, unless specified in the request (default 100)

New Database Columns

    • END_DATE

Deprecated Code

The concept of Offer Code Rules has been deprecated in liu of explicitly using email addresses for offer codes. This has been done in order to simplify the process for a business user exporting offer codes, adding email addresses, and re-importing the codes. Before, the user importing offer codes would have to be familiar with MVEL expressions and format all of the email addresses in an expression in order to achieve the desired functionality.

New Dependencies

The AdvancedOffer module now has a dependency on the following Broadleaf modules:

  • Export - common code concerned with exporting data from Broadleaf
  • Import - common code concerned with import data into Broadleaf
  • Process - process visualization and history

Additionally, the following non-Broadleaf dependencies have also been added:

  • Lombok - annotation pre-processor that reduces code for POJOs amongst other features

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:


  • Modified Export process to allow setting an optional friendly name
  • Fix OfferCode cookie management by changing value delimeter
  • Added example import files and documentation links to import prompt
  • Fix OfferCode by URL cookie usage
  • Updated OfferCode section messaging
  • Fixed the offer code export process progress amount
  • Updated export version to snapshot to pick up new export module changes
  • Renamed import prompt HTML file
  • Moved the OfferCodeResolutionFilter to only be scanned in the site context and do not run it for resource requests
  • Completed the integration of the offer code export with the Process module
  • Update for Process module changes.
  • Updated API wrapper imports
  • Implemented ConditionalOnBroadleafModule to conditionally load REST endpoints and wrappers
  • Fixed offer code generation on template sites
  • Implemented email address verification on offer code
  • Added HTTP filter auto registration
  • Updated Export consumer's Process usage
  • Reorganized offer code import to use an import type enumeration
  • Documented the generated offer code export usage. Allowed admin offer code export DTO to be extensible.
  • Added documentation for the offer code import and made some small cleanup changes
  • Changed advanced offer code export to use better pagination method, where the next desired ID is returned to the client for the next request.
  • Add REST endpoint to export generated offer codes
  • Fixed core demo data sql by removing weaved in module columns
  • Removed cookie value encoding for OfferCodeRequestProcessor
  • Refactored OfferCodeRequestProcessor to only price cart when necessary
  • Introducing the Offer by URL feature
  • Conditonally load beans that require the Export module
  • Added ability to export generated offer codes and see the status of the export process in the admin by integrating with the Process module
  • Broadleaf 5.2 compatibility and remove reliance on the XML merge process
  • Added email validation, ability for manual code entry and update admin names from Code Generation to Code Group

Critical Bugs(1)

  • Removed cookie value encoding for OfferCodeRequestProcessor

Major Bugs(5)

  • Fix OfferCode cookie management by changing value delimeter
  • Fix OfferCode by URL cookie usage
  • Fixed the offer code export process progress amount
  • Fixed offer code generation on template sites
  • Refactored OfferCodeRequestProcessor to only price cart when necessary

Minor Bugs(1)

  • Updated OfferCode section messaging


  • Completed the integration of the offer code export with the Process module
  • Add REST endpoint to export generated offer codes
  • Introducing the Offer by URL feature
  • Added ability to export generated offer codes and see the status of the export process in the admin by integrating with the Process module
  • Broadleaf 5.2 compatibility and remove reliance on the XML merge process
  • Added email validation, ability for manual code entry and update admin names from Code Generation to Code Group


  • Modified Export process to allow setting an optional friendly name
  • Added example import files and documentation links to import prompt
  • Renamed import prompt HTML file
  • Moved the OfferCodeResolutionFilter to only be scanned in the site context and do not run it for resource requests
  • Update for Process module changes.
  • Updated API wrapper imports
  • Implemented ConditionalOnBroadleafModule to conditionally load REST endpoints and wrappers
  • Implemented email address verification on offer code
  • Updated Export consumer's Process usage
  • Reorganized offer code import to use an import type enumeration
  • Documented the generated offer code export usage. Allowed admin offer code export DTO to be extensible.
  • Changed advanced offer code export to use better pagination method, where the next desired ID is returned to the client for the next request.
  • Conditonally load beans that require the Export module

Total Resolved Issues: 30