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Broadleaf Theme 2.1.3-GA

Released on July 6, 2017

This is the 3rd patch release for the Broadleaf Theme module 2.1.x. This version of the Theme module has the following dependencies

  • Broadleaf Commerce Framework 5.1.4-GA or higher

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bugs(2)

  • If there is an exception in the fulfillment workflow when invoked from the checkout workflow, the checkout workflow throws an exception when it rolls back
  • Read-only access in Admin for CSR's is still rendering actionable buttons

Minor Bugs(3)

  • Made the Order Payment amount field editable from the main Change Order form so that CSRs do not have to go to the edit screen just to modify the order.
  • Disabled "Charge Return Shipping" Input
  • RMA Refund Fulfillment Charges Option Fixed


  • Made the Order Payment amount field editable from the main Change Order form so that CSRs do not have to go to the edit screen just to modify the order.
  • Moved RMA error messages on to the page instead of a browser alert

Total Resolved Issues: 7