Demo Updates
This page contains some helpful tips to be able to test out Subscription functionality on the Broadleaf Demo Site.
Step 1: Add the following HTML to your DemoSite's
"/site/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/default-theme/templates/cart/partials/" directory.
<blc:scheduled-payments cart="${cart}" billingFrequency="MONTHLY"/>
<blc:scheduled-payments cart="${cart}" billingFrequency="YEARLY" endPeriod="5"/>
<div th:if="${hasScheduledPayments}" class="scheduled_payments_group">
<h3>Your Order Contains Scheduled Payments</h3>
<table class="scheduled_payments">
<tr><th>Payment Date</th><th>Estimated Payment</th></tr>
<tr th:each="scheduledPayment : ${scheduledPayments}">
<td th:text="${#dates.format(scheduledPayment.scheduledPaymentDate, 'dd/MMM/yyyy')}"></td>
<td th:text="${scheduledPayment.priceAfterAdjustments}"></td>
Step 2: Modify the cart.html to include the above file by adding the new file following after the #cart_total dic ...
<div id="cart_total" class="group">
<div th:replace="cart/partials/scheduledPayments"></div>
Step 3: Update styles
Some basic styles are provided to provide a more readable cart view. Add the following to the end of styles.css.
.scheduled_payments {
width: 300px;
text-align: center;
padding: 10px;
.scheduled_payments thead tr th {
font: bold 10px/10px Helvetica, sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #333;
.scheduled_payments_group {
float: left;
Step 4: Create data
An easy way to test is to modify one of the hot-sauce products by going into the admin and setting it's Billing Frequency to "Monthly".
Then, create a new offer in the admin that is automatically applied, targets the modified product, applies to future payments, with a begin payment period of 1 and no end period (means that it applies to all future periods).
Add the modified item to your cart and you should see a list of payments that have the offer applied.
Step 1: Modify checkout.html by replacing the following div block:
<th:block th:each="sectionDTO : ${checkoutSectionDTOs}" th:object="${sectionDTO}">
<div th:unless="${cartHasSubscription and not customer.registered}">
<th:block th:each="sectionDTO : ${checkoutSectionDTOs}" th:object="${sectionDTO}">
<div th:if="${cartHasSubscription and not customer.registered}">
<a th:href="@{/login(successUrl='/checkout')}"><span th:utext="#{cart.logIntoYourAccount}">log in to your account</span></a>
<a th:href="@{/register(successUrl='/checkout')}"><span th:utext="#{cart.registerNewAccount}">register a new account</span></a>
<span>to continue checking out with a Subscription</span>.
Step 2: In billingInfoForm.html add the attribute th:disabled="${cartHasSubscription}"
to the tag of id="billingMethod_saveNewPayment"