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Scheduled Job Admin Visualization

Scheduled Job Admin Visualization

As of the 2.2.0-GA version of the Scheduled Jobs and Events module, we support the visualization of Scheduled Jobs in the Admin interface. This allows you to create new jobs and maintain existing jobs through the admin, using the Scheduled Jobs section and AdminScheduledJobController. Additionally, we introduced the "Run Now" action for Scheduled Jobs which causes the job to execute immediately, instead of waiting for its cron expression to be triggered.

If you wish to enable this feature, then the following SQL file should be used to introduce the necessary admin section and permissions:


If you are creating the database using, then you must ensure that you have set import.sql.enabled=true as well. If not, then you will need to run the SQL in the above file against your database to setup the proper Admin permissions.

Additionally, each Scheduled Job that you wish to visualize needs to have its MANAGE_IN_ADMIN flag set to TRUE.