Broadleaf ScheduledJobsAndEvents 2.2.0-GA
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Major Bugs(1)
- Allow a Process to specify event-specific information like worker type, scope type and copy them over on event creation
- Job Visualization - see the Scheduled Job Admin Visualization document for further details
- Job-Process integration - see the Process-Aware System Events and Scheduled Jobs document for further details
- Compatibility updates with Spring 4.3 and Broadleaf 5.2
- Support additional ProcessStatus fetch API
- Update docs for 5.2 release
- Moved state validation checks to optimistic retry logic
- Move ProcessStatusTiming domain into ProcessStatus
- Update for Process module changes including moving blEventPU ownership to the Process module
- Support a String UUID for the nodeId
- Change ProcessDao to ProcessManagementDao to avoid conflicts with the process visualization support
Total Resolved Issues: 12