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Configuration Options

There are several configuration settings that can be changed to adjust polling and other behavior. It is important to understand the impact of these options, in relation to other configuration settings, in order to not impact the module behavior.

It is important to know that the recommended deployment model for the Scheduled Jobs and Events module is to deploy the "Events" database into its own server/database. This module has a series of small queries that occur every few seconds and moving this activity away from the primary transactional (OLTP) database is recommended.

All configuration details are available in the Javadocs of the class that uses that configuration. To reduce having duplicate documentation, links will be produced to the key classes. The key runtime configuration options have details in the Field Detail of the documentation. The Field Details includes a brief description, the runtime variable the controls the configuration, and the default value.

DatabaseSystemEventNodeImpl - This class represents the functionality native to a node in an event processing cluster. A node is responsible for polling for appropriate events and consuming those events.

DeployConsumeWorkerImpl - Responsible for retrieving and initiating processing of {@link SystemEvent} instances for this node. This worker specifically deals with VM and GLOBAL event types.

ProcessManagerImpl - API for managing ProcessStatus state. Each jobs and events node manages its own list of ProcessStatus instances for async processes it is currently working on.

ScheduledDeployManagerImpl - Responsible for processing SystemEvent instances of type Deployments . There is only ever one active ScheduledJobManager in the cluster (the master). If the current master fails, another node may become active (master/slave HA config).

ScheduledJobManagerImpl - Responsible for managing ScheduledJob instances. There is only ever one active ScheduledJobManager in the cluster (the master). If the current master fails, another node may become active (master/slave HA config).