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Broadleaf ProductType 3.0.3-GA

Released on November 18, 2024

This is the 3rd patch release for the Broadleaf Product Type 3.0.x module. This module requires Broadleaf Framework version 7.0.3-GA or greater.

Product add-on validation enhancement

Previously ProductAddOnValidationImpl used static strings for validation messages. It did not support customization of the messages or internationalization. Now these messages have been moved to properties file. These are the new properties with default values:

validateExpectedProduct=Expected a Product add-on with id: {0}.
validateExpectedSku=Expected a Sku add-on with id: {0}.
validateExpectedProductGroup=Expected a Product add-on from the \"{0}\" Product Group.
validateQuantity=Quantity must be between \"{0}\" and \"{1}\".
validateQuantityExact=Quantity must be \"{0}\".
validateQuantityAtLeast=Quantity must be at least \"{0}\".
validateMissingRequiredProductOptions=Required product options must be provided.
validateSkuToItemAttribute=No product with such options {0}.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bug(1)

  • Fixed the issue where Add-on Products cannot be added to the cart because of failed validation for option that is not required.


  • Utilized the new MessageService added in the framework to extract validation failure messages into a properties file. More information given above.

Total Resolved Issues: 2