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Broadleaf ProductType 2.3.6-GA

Released on June 15, 2023

This is the 6th release for the Broadleaf Product Type 2.3.x module.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(3)

  • Updated the purge job to delete entities with the status "NEW". Fixed the issue where entities with child elements were not getting deleted.
  • Fixed the issue where product addon would fail validation even after providing options. Filtered out product options/selected values in ProductAddOnServiceImplthat doesn't participate in SKU generation so that the product addon validation will not fail.
  • Fixed the issue where 1 sku which is set as "Out of Stock" in a product group prevents the customer from purchasing the product.


  • Corrected the logging usage in AdvancedProductEntityDuplicateModifier
  • Improved the logic for validation during the addition of Addon Products. Made various changes in ProductAddOnXrefCustomPersistenceHandler to improve the logic for validations.

Total Resolved Issues: 5