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Broadleaf OMS 2.3.4-GA

Release Date: July 12, 2018

This is the 4th patch release of the Broadleaf OMS module 2.3.x. This version of OMS is compliant with Broadleaf Framework version 5.2.3 or higher.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bugs(3)

  • Fixed OMS buttons that were not aligning correctly on the order details page
  • Added the pagination to the Order Returns tab
  • Fixed bugs in return process

Minor Bugs(4)

  • OMS Order Locks are no longer acquired with assigning a CSR fixing issue where locks were not released
  • Added filter criteria for the restriction types STRING_EQUAL and LONG_EQUAL.
  • Turn off order indexing in OMS tests
  • Fix query for order by date to use UTC timezone to match solr expectations


  • Add logging to track the query sent to solr in the OMS

Total Resolved Issues: 8