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Site and Catalog Creation

Database Only Processes

These procedures can only be done via database code, and must be done for some of the Admin related procedures to work.

To create a Theme Definition:

<insert tableName="BLC_THEME_DEFINITION">
    <column name="THEME_DEFINITION_ID" value="TDID" />
    <column name="THEME_DESCRIPTION" value="Theme Definition Description" />
    <column name="THEME_NAME" value="Theme Definition Name" />
    <column name="THEME_PATH" value="Folder name that holds all the css, js, img, templates, and fonts folders for this theme" />
    <column name="IS_DEFAULT" value="ISDEFAULTT" />

Note that if you are wanting to immediately tie this Catalog entry to an exisitng site, please add this line to the above entry <column name="SITE_DISC" valueNumeric="SITEID" />.

  • TDID - The Theme Definition ID of this Theme Definition entry.
  • "Theme Definition Description" - A Description for this Theme Definition entry.
  • "Theme Definition Name" - The Name you wish to list this Theme Definition entry by.
  • THEME_PATH - The value of this column corresponds to a folder that exists in your Site project's directory in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ folder that will contain your /css, /js, /img, /templates, and /fonts folders to hold those respective items. This folder must exist or you will run into errors and exceptions at runtime.
  • ISDEFAULTT - This boolean value determines whether or not it is the default Theme Definition to be used.

Further Database Processes

To create a Site:

<insert tableName="BLC_SITE">
    <column name="SITE_ID" valueNumeric="SITEID" />
    <column name="SITE_TYPE" value="STYPE" />
    <column name="NAME" value="Site Name" />
    <column name="SITE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" value="SIT" />
    <column name="SITE_IDENTIFIER_VALUE" value="SIV" />

Note that if you are wanting this site to inherit a profile from another existing site, please add this line to the above entry <column name="BASE_PROFILE_SITE_ID" valueNumeric="ID of the parent site" />.

  • SITEID - The Site ID for this Site entry
  • STYPE - The value of this column is an enumerated Site Type. These enumerations live within
  • "Site Name" - The Name you wish to list this Site entry by.
  • SIT - The value of this column is an enumerated Site Identifier Type. These enumerations live within
  • SIV - This is Name that will be used either as a url prefix (http://SIV.base.url), or as a full domain (http://SIV) for this Site entry.

To create a Catalog:

<insert tableName="BLC_CATALOG">
    <column name="CATALOG_ID" valueNumeric="CATAID" />
    <column name="NAME" value="Catalog Name" />

Note that if you are wanting to immediately tie this Catalog entry to an existing site, please add this line to the above entry `.

  • CATAID - The Catalog ID for this Catalog entry.
  • "Catalog Name" - The Name you wish to list this Catalog entry by.

To set a Default Catalog for a Site:

<update tableName="BLC_SITE">
    <column name="DEFAULT_CATALOG" valueNumeric="CATAID" />
    <where>SITE_ID = 'SITEID'</where>
  • CATAID - The ID relating to an entry from BLC_CATALOG.
  • SITEID - The ID relating to an etry from BLC_SITE.

To tie a Catalog to a Site:

<insert tableName="BLC_SITE_CATALOG">
    <column name="SITE_CATALOG_XREF_ID" valueNumeric="SCXID"/>
    <column name="MUTABILITY_TYPE" value="MT"/>
    <column name="CATALOG_ID" valueNumeric="CATAID"/>
    <column name="SITE_ID" valueNumeric="SITEID"/>
  • SCXID - The Site Catalog Crossreference ID for this Site Catalog Crossreference entry.
  • MT - The value of this column is an enumerated catalog mutability type. These enumerations live within and define the relationship between the Site and Catalog.
  • CATAID - The ID relating to an entry from BLC_CATALOG.
  • SITEID - the ID relating to an entry from BLC_SITE.

To create a Theme Configuration:

<insert tableName="BLC_THEME_CONFIGURATION">
    <column name="THEME_CONFIGURATION_ID" valueNumeric="TCID" />
    <column name="DATE_CREATED" valueDate="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" />
    <column name="DATE_UPDATED" valueDate="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" />
    <column name="IS_DEFAULT" valueBoolean="ISDEFAULTTC" />
    <column name="THEME_DESCRIPTION" value="Theme Configuration Description" />
    <column name="THEME_NAME" value="Theme Configuration Name" />
    <column name="THEME_DEFINITION_ID" valueNumeric="TDID" />

There are also the DEFAULT_CAT_TEMPLATE_ID, DEFAULT_PAGE_TEMPLATE_ID, and DEFAULT_PROD_TEMPLATE_ID columns whose value will correspond to the ID value of a Theme Definition. The corresponding Theme Definition should be formatted for one of those 3 Types (Category, Page, and Product respectively).
Also you may wish to tie this Theme Configuration directly to a site, to do so please add this line to the above entry <column name="SITE_DISC" valueNumeric="SITEID" />.

  • TCID - The Theme Configuration ID of this Theme Configuration entry.
  • "Theme Configuration Description" - A Description of this Theme Configuration entry.
  • "Theme Configuration Name" - The Name you wish to list this Theme Configuration entry by.
  • TDID - The ID relating to an entry in BLC_THEME_DEFINITION.
  • ISDEFAULTTC - This boolean value determines whether or not it is the default Theme Configuration to be used.

To create a Theme File:

<insert tableName="BLC_THEME_FILE">
    <column name="ID" valueNumeric="TID" />
    <column name="CONTENTS" value="Theme File Contents" />
    <column name="FILE_TYPE" value="Enumerated File Type" />
    <column name="PATH" value="File Path" />
    <column name="OVERRIDE_GENERATED_PATH" valueBoolean="TRUE" />
    <column name="TEMPLATE_TYPE" value="Template Type" />
    <column name="THEME_CONFIG_ID" valueNumeric="TCID" />

Note that if you are using the Enumerated type page for TEMPLATE_TYPE, you must also supply a Page Type ID for the PAGE_TYPE_ID column corresponding to an entry in BLC_PAGE_TYPE, using the following line <column name="PAGE_TYPE_ID" valueNumeric="Page Type ID" />.
Also, if you are wanting to immediately tie this Site, please add this line to the above entry <column name="SITE_DISC" valueNumeric="SITEID" />

  • TID - The Theme File ID of this Theme File entry.
  • "Theme File Contents" - The value will either be Null if you are wanting this Theme File Definition to reference an existing file, or will consist of Themeleaf Template code that will be used in the generation of a page using this Theme File.
  • "Enumerated File Type" - The value of this column is an enumerated File Type. These enumerations live in
  • "File Path" - The value will either be the path to a file whose contents you want used when this Theme File is used, or the name by which you want to reference the CONTENTS value of this Theme File.
  • "OVERRIDE_GENERATED_PATH" - This boolean value determines whether or not to override the generated path.
  • "Template Type" - The value of this column will either be NULL if the type of file is css or js, but will be an enumerated type if html. These enumerations live in
  • TCID - The ID relating to an entry in BLC_THEME_CONFIGURATION.

To tie a Theme to a Site:

<update tableName="BLC_THEME_CONFIGURATION">
    <column name="SITE_DISC" valueNumeric="SITEID" />
    <where>THEME_CONFIGURATION_ID = 'TCID'</where>
<update tableName="BLC_THEME_DEFINITION">
    <column name="SITE_DISC" valueNumeric="SITEID" />
    <where>THEME_DEFINITION_ID = 'TDID'</where>
  • SITEID - The ID relating to an entry in BLC_SITE.
  • TCID - The ID relating to an entry in BLC_THEME_CONFIGURATION.
  • TDID - The ID relating to an entry in BLC_THEME_DEFINITION.

To create an Admin for a Site:

<insert tableName="BLC_ADMIN_USER">
    <column name="ADMIN_USER_ID" valueNumeric="AUID" />
    <column name="ACTIVE_STATUS_FLAG" valueBoolean="ASF" />
    <column name="EMAIL" value="Email" />
    <column name="LOGIN" value="Login" />
    <column name="NAME" value="Admin User Name" />
    <column name="PASSWORD" value="Password" />
    <column name="PHONE_NUMBER" value="Phone Number" />
    <column name="SITE_ID" valueNumeric="SITEID" />
  • AUID - The Admin User ID for this Admin User Entry
  • ASF - A boolean value that determines whether or not this admin user is active.
  • "Email" - An Email that can be used to contact this Admin User.
  • "Login" - The login name to be used with this Admin User.
  • "Admin User Name" - The name you wish to list this Admin User by.
  • "Password" - The password for this Admin User entry.
  • "Phone Number" - A Phone Number that can be used to contac tthis Admin User.
  • SITEID - The ID relating to an entry in BLC_SITE. This is used to make this Admin User an Admin User only for that site specifically.

Admin Processes

As a note, to perform the first four procedures, you must be logged into the Master Site for the Site you want to manage.

To create a Site:

  • Select 'Site Management' from the sidebar and then choose 'Sites'.
  • From this page, select '+ Add Site' in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Please provide information to the small window that opens up and select the 'Save' button. This will take you to the details page for your newly created Site.

To create a Catalog:

  • Select 'Catalog' from the sidebar and then choose 'Catalogs'.
  • From this page, select '+ Add Catalog' in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Please provide information to the small window that opens up and select the 'Save' button. This will take you to the details page for your newly created Catalog.

To tie a Catalog to a Site:

  • Select 'Site Management' from the sidebar and then choose 'Sites'.
  • From this page, select the Site the wish you tie a Catalog to. This will take you to the details page of the selected Site.
  • Scroll down and select the '+ Add' button on the Assigned Catalogs table, and select a Catalog from the list. You will also be asked to choose the level of editing permissions this Site will be allowed to edit the chosen Catalog. Editing permissions include:
    • Customizable - site has the ability to make changes in the local site catalog that overrides the content from the assigned catalog
    • Reference - site can only use the assigned catalog as a reference and cannot make local changes (i.e. read-only)
  • When you are satisfied with your changes, please select the 'Save' button in the upper right corner of the window.

To create an Admin Role:

  • Select 'Security' from the sidebar and then choose 'Roles'.
  • From this page, select '+ Add Admin Role' in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Please provide information to the small window that opsn up and select the 'Save' button. This will take you to the details page for your newly created Admin Role.
  • To add permissions to this Admin Role, select the '+ Add' button on the Permissions table, and select a permission from this list for this Admin Role.
  • When you are satisfied with your selections, please select the 'Save' button in the upper right corner of the window.

To create an Admin for a Site:

  • Select 'Site Management' from the sidebar and then choose 'Sites'.
  • From this page, select the Site you wish to create an Admin User for. This will take you to the details page of the selected Site.
  • On the details page, please select the 'Site Admin Users' tab at the top of the page. This will reveal the Admin Users table.
  • Select the '+ Add' button on this table and provide information to the window that opens up. When you are finished, select the 'Save' button.
  • You will now need to assign Roles or Permissions to this Admin User, to do such, please select the newly created Admin User from the table and then select the 'Edit' button.
  • Scroll down in this window until you see the 'Permissions' and 'Roles' tables. At this point, you may select '+ Add' from either table and select which Permissions and Roles you wish this Admin User to have. For the rest of this example, we will be adding a Role to this User. To do so, we select the '+ Add' button from the Roles table.
  • From this new window, we select a Role we desire this Admin User to have.
  • The selected Role will be added to the table, and when we are satisfied with our choices, we select the 'Save' button in the bottom right corner of the window.
  • Once you are satisfied with your changes to this Site and its Admin Users, please select the 'Save' button in the upper right corner of the page.

The following procedures need not be done on the template site, and can instead be done on the Admin for that specifc site.

To perform the following action, you must have set up a Theme Definition via database imports. Please look in the 'Database Only Proccesses' section of this document to see how you could do this.

To create a Theme Configuration:

  • Select 'Design' from the sidebar and then choose 'Themes'.
  • From this page, select '+ Add Theme Configuration' button in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Please provide information in the window that opens up. You will be required to provide a Theme Definition for this Theme Configuration. To do so, select the 'Lookup' button.
  • From this window, please select the Theme Definition you wish to use.
  • When you are satisfied with the information provided, please select the 'Save' button. This will take you to the details page of your newly created Theme Configuration.

To create a Theme File:

  • Select 'Design' from the sidebar and then choose 'Themes'.
  • From this page, please select the Theme Configuration you wish to add a Theme File to. This will take you to the details page of the selected Theme Configuration.
  • On the details page, please select the 'Files' tab at the top of this page.
  • This page lists all the Theme Files currently associated to this Theme Configuration. To add a new one, plase select the '+ Add' button from the Files table. Please provide information in the window that opens up, and when you are satisfied with the information provided, please select the 'Save' button.

Note that if this Theme File is supposed to point to an existing file, please provide an override url to that document and do not place any text in the large text area of the following screen.

  • You will then be taken to the details page of the newly created Theme File. The first tab is the Contents page, where you may put HTML, CSS, or JS code depending on the previously provided information. You may also leave this section blank if this Theme File entry is to reference an existing file. Please select the 'Save' button at the upper right corner of the page to save your Theme File.