Related Properties
- mandatory absolute path to folder containing imageMagick converter tool
- "root folder" where images downloaded from import file will be put, if not set will use
- timeout for image download, default 10 (sec)
- timeout for image download, default 30 (sec)
- size of batch, 100 by default. !! Be Careful changing that, this also affects number of entries in the SQL IN statements, so depending on your DB this should be tweaked with baring that in mind
- size of batch, 100 by default. !! Be Careful changing that, this also affects number of entries in the SQL IN statements, so depending on your DB this should be tweaked with baring that in mind
- size of batch, 100 by default. !! Be Careful changing that, this also affects number of entries in the SQL IN statements, so depending on your DB this should be tweaked with baring that in mind
- size of batch, 100 by default. !! Be Careful changing that, this also affects number of entries in the SQL IN statements, so depending on your DB this should be tweaked with baring that in mind
- size of batch, 100 by default. !! Be Careful changing that, this also affects number of entries in the SQL IN statements, so depending on your DB this should be tweaked with baring that in mind
- cms assets folder name where static assets will be put after download, IMPORT by default, if no folder with such name, it will be created under root folder
- max image size to downolad, default no limit, set integer value it will be treated in MB
- number of attempts to retry to download external file, default 10
- number of images to download when job is triggered, default is 100
- wait before retry to download, calculated as current time of server minus time of last action(updated column) for the oldest failed item in blc_media_import_info table, 300000 by default = 5 mins
- set to false if you don't want cache invalidation event for sku to be fired when images are processed for that sku.
- enterprise module property, default is true. If solr event will be created during persisting approval state
- type of worker for import process. By default ADMIN used.
- type of worker that will be used to import images. By default ADMIN used.