Initial Configuration
This module requires at least Broadleaf 4.0.0-GA
By following the steps below, you will be able to add internationalization enhancements to your Broadleaf site.
Configuration Changes
Add the following to the dependency management section of your parent
:<dependency> <groupId>com.broadleafcommerce</groupId> <artifactId>broadleaf-i18n-enterprise</artifactId> <version>${broadleaf-i18n-enterprise.version}</version> <type>jar</type> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency>
Note: You must have previously configured your pom to reference the Broadleaf private repositories. This information will be provided as part of your license agreement.
Pull this dependency into your
:<dependency> <groupId>com.broadleafcommerce</groupId> <artifactId>broadleaf-i18n-enterprise</artifactId> </dependency>
Schema Changes
If you are allowing hibernate to create and modify your tables, this will be done automatically when you restart with the new configuration settings.
Otherwise, you will need to generate the SQL to customize your Broadleaf implementation. See the Broadleaf Schema Upgrade Documentation for details.
Admin Security Changes
To maintain theme configurations in the Broadleaf admin, you will need to load new permissions. The recommended changes are located in the following files:
Note: In development, you can automatically load this SQL by adding this file to the blPU.hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files property in the file.
Optional Data Changes
If you want to augment the Heat Clinic demo with some Internationalized Dynamic Forms, you can utilize the following file: