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Broadleaf Enterprise 4.3.7-GA

Released on September 13, 2023

This is the 7th patch release for the Broadleaf Enterprise 4.3.x module.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bug(1)

  • Fixed the Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability that was reported. Added additional checks for the sandboxes' relation to admin user during promote operation.

Minor Bugs(5)

  • When adding SKU inventory, it is possible to add SKUs with mismatched inventory type to Inventory location. Added a fix to apply filter which applies based on inventory type.
  • Fixed the issue where empty rows are visible and can be selected in newly created entities.
  • Fixed the list grid on 'My Changes' and 'Audit report log' page to not show filter for fields that were added manually or can't be filtered with.
  • Fixed various issues with the list grid view for the assets.
  • Fixed the issue where some ChangeDetails were not being saved while use Import API.


  • In order to support Oracle DB, changed a query in SimpleTransitionDaoImpl to get timestamp by calling getDateString() method instead of passing string.
  • Added a utility to update the DB column lengths related to change details which were changed in a previous release. See framework release notes for detailed information.
  • Removed the step to reset the inventoryType if 'Track Inventory By Product' feature is deactivated.
  • Refactored PurgeSandboxClonedEntitiesEventConsumer in order to make it easier to override the methods of the class.
  • Refactored AdditionStatusResourcePurgeServiceImpl. Changed 'Private' modifiers for several methods to 'Protected' and added an exception message while logging.
  • Added support for the multi-threaded solr re-index. Check framework release notes for detailed information.

Total Resolved Issues: 12