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Broadleaf Enterprise 4.3.6-GA

Released on June 15, 2023

This is the 6th patch release for the Broadleaf Enterprise 4.3.x module.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(12)

  • Updated the purge job to delete entities with the status "NEW". Fixed the issue where entities with child elements were not getting deleted.
  • Fixed the issue where changes made in template site could not be promoted in child sites setup with synced copy catalog. The authors didn't match when the change is propagated so adjusted logic in AdminWorkflowController to retrieve author correctly.
  • Fixed the issue where product addon would fail validation on empty product option which is not set as required.
  • Fixed the issue where deletion of product option from product could not be promoted/deployed.
  • Fixed the issue where previewing promoted changes from Audit details would not work.
  • Fixed the issue where some audit details would show primary IDs of entities when using Simple Transition workflow.
  • Fixed the issue where some audit change details are not getting deleted by orphanRemoval when collection is cleared.
  • Added more security for workflow endpoints in AdminWorkflowController
  • Fixed UI security issue in the assetgrid.js where XSS validation was not performed on Folder names when editing.
  • Fixed the issue where update of auditable fields were causing issues for the extended entities
  • Fixed the issues with "Include my Changes" checkbox when using 'Preview' feature of the framework.
  • Fixed the issue where messages were getting Truncated when the message was long enough to go outside of the modal boundary. Added tooltip for the message so that the full message is displayed as tool tip.
  • Fixed the issue where back to back events can cause the several solr documents to be created for the same product.
  • Fixed the issue where filter applied on the listgrid of inventory would reset after modifying inventory.


  • Corrected the logging usage and messages in various classes.
  • Added bean id SetSystemPropertyAfterInit for class com.broadleafcommerce.enterprise.core.config.SetSystemPropertyAfterInit
  • Added simple implementation of archiving entities with the status of "Archive_Only". No additional actions or cascades will occur which will implementation Custom Persistent Handler.
  • Upgraded Spring session from 2.4.1 to 2.4.6.
  • Merged bug fixes and enhancements included in 4.2.15-GA

Total Resolved Issues: 17