Initial Configuration
By following the steps below, you should be able to include the Data Feed module.
Steps to enable this module
Add this dependency to your
:<dependency> <groupId>com.broadleafcommerce</groupId> <artifactId>broadleaf-data-feed</artifactId> </dependency>
Reference the additional required SQL file in
in theblPU.hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files
property:/config/bc/sql/load_data_feed_google_taxonomy.sql, \
If you are not creating the database using the
method, then you will need to run the SQL in the above file in your database to setup the proper Admin permissions.If you want to augment the heat clinic demo data with Affiliate data, reference the additional SQL file in
in theblPU.hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files
property:/config/bc/sql/samples/load_data_feed_default_data.sql, \