id |
Yes |
Use the id attribute to uniquely identify each product. The ID won’t be shown to users who view your ads. |
title |
Yes |
Use the title attribute to clearly identify the product you’re selling. The title is one of the most prominent parts of your ad. A specific and accurate title will help us show your product to the right users. |
description |
Yes |
Use the description attribute to tell users about your product. List product features, technical specifications, and visual attributes. A detailed description will help us show your product to the right users. |
google_product_category |
Yes, if Apparel, Media, or Software |
Use the google_product_category attribute to indicate the category of your item based on the Google product taxonomy. Categorizing your product helps ensure that your ad is shown with the right search results. |
product_type |
No |
Use the product_type attribute to include your own product categorization system in your product data. |
link |
Yes |
When users click your ad, they’re sent to a landing page (URL) on your website for the advertised product. |
image_link |
Yes |
Include the URL for your main product image with the image_link attribute. This image appears to potential customers in ads for your product. |
condition |
Yes |
Tell users about the condition of the product you're selling. Setting this value correctly is important since we use it to refine search results. Must be one of the following: new , refurbished , used |
availability |
Yes |
Use the availability attribute to tell users and us whether you have a product in stock. Must be one of the following: in stock , out of stock , preorder |
price |
Yes |
Use the price attribute to tell users how much you’re charging for your product. This information is shown to users in your ads. |
gtin |
Yes |
Use the gtin attribute to submit Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). A GTIN uniquely identifies your product. SKU is a form of a GTIN. |
brand |
Yes |
Use the brand attribute to indicate the product's brand name. The brand is used to help identify your product and will be shown to users who view your ad. |
item_group_id |
Yes, if there are variations of the same product |
Use the item_group_id attribute to group product variants in your product data. Variants are a group of similar items that only differ from one another by product details like size, color, material, pattern, age_group, size_type, and size_system. |
color |
Yes, if it is a variation, or the category is Apparel |
Use the color attribute to describe your product’s color. This information helps create accurate filters, which users can use to narrow search results. If your product has variants that vary by color, then provide that information through this attribute. |
gender |
Yes, if it is a variation, or the category is Apparel |
Specify the gender your product is designed for using the gender attribute. When you provide this information, potential customers can accurately filter products by gender to help narrow their search. Keep in mind that we also use the gender information together with the values you provide for size and age_group to standardize the sizes that are shown to users. |
age_group |
Yes, if it is a variation, or the category is Apparel |
When you use this attribute, your ad can appear in results that are filtered by age. For example, if results are filtered by Women instead of Girls. The age_group can also work together with the gender to help ensure that users see the correct size information. |
size |
Yes, if it is a variation, or the category is Apparel |
Use the size attribute to describe the standardized size of your product. When you use this attribute, your ad can appear in results that are filtered by size. The size you submit will also affect how your product variants are shown. |
shipping |
Yes, when you need to override the shipping settings that you set up in Merchant Center |
The shipping attribute lets you provide shipping cost for a product. |
shipping_weight |
No, but recommended if you have shipping settings set up in Merchant Center that calculate costs based on weight |
The shipping_weight attribute let’s you include the weight to use when calculating shipping costs through your Merchant Center settings. For example, you would use shipping_weight when using carrier-calculated rates. |
shipping_length |
No, but recommended if you have shipping settings set up in Merchant Center that calculate costs based on dimensions |
Enter the dimensions of the package for your product using the shipping_length, shipping_width, and shipping_height attributes. These 3 attributes help determine the shipping cost if you’re using a carrier-calculated shipping method in Merchant Center. |
shipping_width |
No, but recommended if you have shipping settings set up in Merchant Center that calculate costs based on dimensions |
Enter the dimensions of the package for your product using the shipping_length, shipping_width, and shipping_height attributes. These 3 attributes help determine the shipping cost if you’re using a carrier-calculated shipping method in Merchant Center. |
shipping_height |
No, but recommended if you have shipping settings set up in Merchant Center that calculate costs based on dimensions |
Enter the dimensions of the package for your product using the shipping_length, shipping_width, and shipping_height attributes. These 3 attributes help determine the shipping cost if you’re using a carrier-calculated shipping method in Merchant Center. |
shipping_label |
No, but recommended if you have shipping settings set up in Merchant Center that set shipping costs based on a label |
Use the shipping_label attribute to group products together so that you can configure specific shipping rates in Merchant Center. The information you include in this attribute won’t be shown to users. |
adult |
Yes |
Use the adult attribute to indicate that individual products are for adults only because they contain adult content such as nudity, sexually suggestive content, or are intended to enhance sexual activity. Must be one of the following: yes or no |