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Broadleaf Commerce 6.2.9-GA

Released on January 24, 2024

This is the 9th patch release for Broadleaf Framework 6.2.x. To upgrade a 6.2.x application to the 6.2.9-GA release, it should only require updating the broadleaf-boot-starter-parent to 6.2.9-GA in the parent pom.xml.

New and Noteworthy

Library version upgrades

Following libraries were upgraded:

  • Springboot : From 2.7.15 to 2.7.18
  • Spring : From 5.3.29 to 5.3.31
  • Jackson : From 2.15.2 to 2.15.3
  • Lombok : From 1.18.28 to 1.18.30
  • Xmlbeans : From 5.0.3 to 5.1.1
  • Snappy-java : From to

Setting limit to SKU generation

There was a need expressed by a client to set the limit for maximum numbers of SKUs that can be generated based on various options. This is controlled by the new property.

# Maximum number of skus that will be generated

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bugs(2)

  • Fixed the issue where product from sandbox was eligible to add to cart. Added validateIfProductIsProdRecord() in ValidateAddRequestActivity.
  • Fixed an issue where the discount value was displayed incorrectly. OfferCustomPersistenceHandler now uses decimalSeparator correctly to display value.

Minor Bugs(13)

  • Added Cache Configuration for blCustomerAddress
  • Fixed the issue with previewing Add-on products on site.
  • Improved the display logic of the entity form title.
  • In AdminNavigationServiceImpl improved the logic to select the entity for the admin section.
  • Removed the blank padding record in workflow list-grids in sections of 'My changes' and 'Approvals'
  • Fixed the issue with where editing content items in HTML mode sometimes throws errors.
  • Fixed the issues with timezone settings. The dates were not processed when viewing details in 'Site Changes' sections
  • Fixed the checkForMatches logic to find the regEx rows only and not to iterate through all URLHandlers.
  • Fixed the issue where the Customer purge job throws foreign key constraint exception in case customer has an address assigned.
  • Fixed the issue where displayed values of filters were incorrect in search. Added updateAppliedFiltersView to addExistingFilter in filterbuilder.js
  • Fixed the issue where the Sandbox clone purge job throws foreign key constraint exception. Added new service blPurgeSandboxClonedEntitiesExtensionManager and handlers for various entities.
  • Fixed the queries for BC_READ_PRODUCTS_BY_CATEGORY and BC_READ_ACTIVE_PRODUCTS_BY_CATEGORY which can produce invalid SQL if the sandBoxHelper.mergeCloneIds returns multiple rows.
  • Removed adminUser from BroadleafRequestContext because a client encountered a situation where a thread was being reused for an anonymous user where adminUser was set from before.


  • Updated copyright dates to 2024 in all the files
  • Upgraded the libraries mentioned above.
  • Added horizontal scrolling to the list-grids.
  • Added limit to SKU generation mentioned above.
  • Added a filter SearchUrlFilter and SearchRequestWrapper to enhance the Solr query sanitization.
  • Improve hashCode method for the ProductImpl by using 'id' and 'additionalSkus'.
  • Added a way to ignore entities during antisamy clean procedure. Use this property to set ignored entities:
#Comma separated list of full name of classes that should be ignored by "clean" procedure during add and update

Total Resolved Issues: 22