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Broadleaf Commerce 6.2.0-GA

Released on August 6, 2021

The overall theme of the Broadleaf 6.2.0-GA release is largely around updating core 3rd-party dependency baselines.

Note: Due to critical security issue with Spring Framework , we are releasing updates as new patches become available. More info available in our Spring4Shell blog. was released with Spring 5.3.18 & Springboot 2.5.12

New and Noteworthy

Library version upgrades

  • Spring core: Updated to 5.3.8
  • Spring Security: Updated to 5.4.7
  • Spring Boot: Updated to 2.4.7
  • Solrj: Updated to 8.9.0
  • Hibernate: Updated to 5.4.32.Final
  • Hibernate Validator: Updated to 6.1.6.Final
  • Jackson: Updated to 2.11.3
  • Ehcache : Updated to 3.9.0
  • Java servlet API: Updated to 4.0.1
  • ESAPI: Updated to
  • Guava: Updated to 30.1.1
  • Quartz scheduler: Updated to 2.3.2

Detail information on the changes and necessary steps to implement the updates are available in the 6.1 to 6.2 Migration Notes.

New features

  • Simple transition workflow process is now enabled by default.
  • Added support for a default locale for the Sites
  • Refactored entity cache regions for better performance tuning which are listed below.

New Cache Regions

Class Field Old Cache Region New Cache Region
PageAttributeImpl - blStandardElements blCMSElements
URLHandlerImpl - blStandardElements blUrlHandler
SystemPropertyImpl - blStandardElements blSystemProperties
DataDrivenEnumerationImpl - blStandardElements blDataDrivenEnumeration
DataDrivenEnumerationImpl enumValues blStandardElements blDataDrivenEnumeration
DataDrivenEnumerationValueImpl - blStandardElements blDataDrivenEnumeration
ISOCountryImpl - blStandardElements blCountryElements
MediaImpl - blStandardElements blMediaElements
CategoryAttributeImpl - blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl allChildCategoryXrefs blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl allParentCategoryXrefs blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl categoryMedia blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl featuredProducts blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl crossSaleProducts blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl upSaleProducts blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl categoryAttributes blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryImpl allProductXrefs blCategories blCategoryProduct
CategoryImpl searchFacets blCategories blSearchElements
CategoryImpl excludedSearchFacets blCategories blSearchElements
CategoryMediaXrefImpl - blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CategoryProductXrefImpl - blCategories blCategoryProduct
CategoryXrefImpl - blCategories blCategoryRelationships
CrossSaleProductImpl - blStandardElements blRelatedProducts
FeaturedProductImpl - blCategories blCategoryRelationships
ProductAttributeImpl - blProducts blProductAttributes
ProductBundleImpl skuBundleItems blProducts blProductRelationships
ProductImpl crossSaleProducts blProducts blRelatedProducts
ProductImpl upSaleProducts blProducts blRelatedProducts
ProductImpl allParentCategoryXrefs blProducts blCategoryProduct
ProductImpl productAttributes blProducts blProductAttributes
ProductImpl productOptions blProducts blProductOptions
ProductOptionImpl - blStandardElements blProductOptions
ProductOptionImpl allowedValues blStandardElements blProductOptions
ProductOptionImpl products blStandardElements blProductOptions
ProductOptionValueImpl - blProducts blProductOptions
ProductOptionXrefImpl - blProducts blProductOptions
SkuAttributeImpl - blProducts blProductAttributes
SkuBundleItemImpl - blProducts blProductRelationships
SkuFeeImpl - blProducts blProductRelationships
SkuFeeImpl skus blStandardElements blProductRelationships
SkuImpl skuMedia blProducts blSkuMedia
SkuImpl skuAttributes blProducts blProductAttributes
SkuImpl productOptionValueXrefs blProducts blProductRelationships
SkuImpl fees blProducts blProductRelationships
SkuImpl fulfillmentFlatRates blProducts blProductRelationships
SkuImpl excludedFulfillmentOptions blProducts blProductRelationships
SkuMediaXrefImpl - blProducts blSkuMedia
SkuProductOptionValueXrefImpl - blProducts blProductRelationships
UpSaleProductImpl - blStandardElements blRelatedProducts
FulfillmentOptionImpl - blOrderElements blFulfillmentOptionElements
FulfillmentOptionImpl - blOrderElements blFulfillmentOptionElements
BandedPriceFulfillmentOptionImpl bands blStandardElements blFulfillmentOptionElements
BandedWeightFulfillmentOptionImpl bands blStandardElements blFulfillmentOptionElements
FulfillmentPriceBandImpl - blStandardElements blFulfillmentOptionElements
FulfillmentWeightBandImpl - blStandardElements blFulfillmentOptionElements
CategoryExcludedSearchFacetImpl - blCategories blSearchElements
CategorySearchFacetImpl - blCategories blSearchElements
FieldImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
IndexFieldImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
IndexFieldImpl fieldTypes blStandardElements blSearchElements
IndexFieldTypeImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
RequiredFacetImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
SearchFacetImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
SearchFacetImpl searchFacetRanges blStandardElements blSearchElements
SearchFacetImpl requiredFacets blStandardElements blSearchElements
SearchFacetRangeImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
SearchSynonymImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
SearchRedirectImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
StoreImpl - blStandardElements blSearchElements
CountryImpl - blStandardElements blCountryElements
CountrySubdivisionCategoryImpl - blStandardElements blCountryElements
CountrySubdivisionImpl - blStandardElements blCountryElements
CustomerAttributeImpl - blStandardElements blCustomerElements
CustomerImpl customerAttributes blStandardElements blCustomerElements
CustomerImpl customerAddresses blStandardElements blCustomerElements
CustomerImpl customerPhones blStandardElements blCustomerElements
CustomerImpl customerPayments blStandardElements blCustomerElements
CustomerPaymentImpl additionalFields blStandardElements blCustomerElements
StateImpl - blStandardElements blCountryElements

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(2)

  • Not assign IDs to anonymous customers because it's possible to hit deadlocks when the system gets overwhelmed by huge traffic of anonymous customers.
  • Removed the ID from the entity-form submitted to the backend controllers since Spring wants to use the ID path variable to initialize that value instead.


  • Renamed "Search Fields" to "Indexed Fields" on the side menu.


  • Added support for a default locale for the Sites.
  • Refactored entity cache regions for better performance tuning.

Total Resolved Issues: 5