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This version of the framework is no longer supported. View the latest documentation.


This is extremely similar to the current configuration in Jetty. In site/pom.xml you will see the following plugin defined for Jetty:

            <connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

You can either replace this plugin or just add an additional plugin below:

    <!-- for Tomcat 7, change to tomcat7-maven-plugin -->

You can then optionally modify build.xml to add a new ant task for this:

<target name="tomcat-demo" depends="start-db">
    <delete dir="war/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <artifact:mvn mavenHome="${maven.home}" fork="true" jvmargs="-DbroadleafCoreDirectory=${broadleafCoreDirectory} -DbroadleafWorkspaceDirectory=${broadleafWorkspaceDirectory} -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx512M">
        <arg value="compile"/>
        <arg value="war:exploded"/>
        <arg value="tomcat6:run-war"/>

For admin, the configuration is similar but you would change the port to 8081. For more information on this plugin, check out the plugin documentation.