Broadleaf AdvancedCMS 3.2.0-GA
Released on March 6, 2020
This is the initial release for the Broadleaf Common Advanced CMS 3.2.x module. This module requires Broadleaf Framework 6.1.0-GA or greater.
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Critical Bugs(1)
- Fix bug with Content Items where if a site level override is made the "Undo Site Changes" button doesn't work correctly
Minor Bugs(3)
- Adding Category and Product to the RuleMap for use with ContentTargeters
- Fixed bug where EmailTemplateDatabaseResourceResolverExtensionHandler was incorrectly registered during tests
- Fixed a bug where template/view resolvers only worked in the servlet context
- Ensure any products displayed by content zones are accounted for in blcAllDisplayedProducts
- Added in EmailTemplate and SMSTemplate domain and functionality
- Fix AdvancedPageCacheInvalidationEventConsumer to properly restore internalIgnoreFilters state
- Add entity duplication through the admin for Content Items and Content Targeters
- Added a view to ContentZone of ContentTargeters and their ContentItems being used with a ContentZone
- Exposed Audit and Priority Fields for Content Item, Zone, and Targeter
- Upgrade Hibernate, Spring, JCache for 6.1
Total Resolved Issues: 11