public interface AdminSecurityService
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String[] |
static final String[] DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
void deleteAdminUser(AdminUser user)
void deleteAdminRole(AdminRole role)
List<AdminPermission> readAllAdminPermissions()
AdminPermission readAdminPermissionById(Long id)
AdminPermission saveAdminPermission(AdminPermission permission)
void deleteAdminPermission(AdminPermission permission)
void clearAdminSecurityCache()
isUserQualifiedForOperationOnCeilingEntity(AdminUser, PermissionType, String)
AdminUser changePassword(PasswordChange passwordChange)
boolean isUserQualifiedForOperationOnCeilingEntity(AdminUser adminUser, PermissionType permissionType, String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedName)
boolean doesOperationExistForCeilingEntity(PermissionType permissionType, String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedName)
GenericResponse sendForgotUsernameNotification(String emailAddress)
- email address of user to emailGenericResponse sendResetPasswordNotification(String userName)
- the username of the user to send a password reset emailGenericResponse resetPasswordUsingToken(String username, String token, String password, String confirmPassword)
- the username of the usertoken
- a valid reset token from the emailpassword
- the new desired passwordconfirmPassword
- the password confirmation to match passwordGenericResponse changePassword(String username, String oldPassword, String password, String confirmPassword)
- the username to change the password foroldPassword
- the user's current passwordpassword
- the desired new passwordconfirmPassword
- the confirm password to ensure it matches passwordCopyright © 2019. All rights reserved.