Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Money |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getMoney(BigDecimal amount) |
static Money |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getMoney(BigDecimal amount,
BroadleafCurrency currency) |
static Money |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getMoney(BroadleafCurrency currency) |
static Money |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getUnitAmount(BroadleafCurrency blCurrency)
Returns the unit amount (e.g.
static Money |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getUnitAmount(Money difference)
Returns the unit amount (e.g.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.calculateRemainder(Money totalAmount,
int quantity)
Returns the remainder amount if the passed in totalAmount was divided by the
quantity taking into account the normal unit of the currency (e.g.
static Currency |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getCurrency(Money money) |
static Money |
BroadleafCurrencyUtils.getUnitAmount(Money difference)
Returns the unit amount (e.g.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Money |
Money.ZERO |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
Money.abs() |
static Money |
Money.abs(Money money) |
Money |
Money.add(Money other) |
Money |
CurrencyConversionService.convertCurrency(Money source,
Currency destinationCurrency,
int destinationScale)
Converts the given Money into the destination.
Money |
Money.divide(BigDecimal divisor) |
Money |
Money.divide(BigDecimal divisor,
RoundingMode roundingMode) |
Money |
Money.divide(double amount) |
Money |
Money.divide(double amount,
RoundingMode roundingMode) |
Money |
Money.divide(int amount) |
Money |
Money.divide(int amount,
RoundingMode roundingMode) |
Money |
Money.max(Money other) |
static Money |
Money.max(Money left,
Money right) |
Money |
Money.min(Money other) |
static Money |
Money.min(Money left,
Money right) |
Money |
Money.multiply(BigDecimal multiplier) |
Money |
Money.multiply(double amount) |
Money |
Money.multiply(int amount) |
Money |
Money.negate() |
Money |
Money.subtract(Money other) |
Money | |
static Money | currency) |
static Money | currencyCode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Money |
Money.abs(Money money) |
Money |
Money.add(Money other) |
int |
Money.compareTo(Money other) |
Money |
CurrencyConversionService.convertCurrency(Money source,
Currency destinationCurrency,
int destinationScale)
Converts the given Money into the destination.
boolean |
Money.greaterThan(Money other) |
boolean |
Money.greaterThanOrEqual(Money other) |
boolean |
Money.lessThan(Money other) |
boolean |
Money.lessThanOrEqual(Money other) |
Money |
Money.max(Money other) |
static Money |
Money.max(Money left,
Money right) |
Money |
Money.min(Money other) |
static Money |
Money.min(Money left,
Money right) |
Money |
Money.subtract(Money other) |
static BigDecimal |
Money.toAmount(Money money) |
static Currency |
Money.toCurrency(Money money) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Money |
If this was a Transaction request, it will be the amount that was sent back from the gateway
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
PaymentResponseDTO.getAmount() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PaymentResponseDTO |
PaymentResponseDTO.amount(Money amount) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
BLCMoneyFormatUtils.formatPrice(Money price)
Reformats the given price field for front-end display.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
Gets the amount to charge for this surcharge
Money |
SkuFeeImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
Returns the basic retail price of the Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getBaseRetailPrice() |
Money |
Returns the basic sale price of the Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getBaseSalePrice() |
Money |
Money |
Money |
Money |
Money |
Returns the purchase cost of this Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getCost() |
Money |
SkuBundleItemImpl.getDynamicSalePrice(Sku sku,
BigDecimal salePrice)
Money |
Money |
Money |
ProductImpl.getMargin() |
Money |
added just for convenience, references defaultSku.margin
Money |
Returns the margin of the Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getMargin() |
Money |
ProductImpl.getPrice() |
Money |
Convenience method, references defaultSku.price
Money |
Resolves the price of the Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getPrice() |
Money |
ProductOptionValueImpl.getPriceAdjustment() |
Money |
Gets the price adjustment associated with this value.
Money |
This is the sum total of the priceAdjustments from the associated ProductOptionValues
Money |
SkuImpl.getProductOptionValueAdjustments() |
Money |
ProductImpl.getRetailPrice() |
Money |
Convenience method, references to defaultSku.retailPrice
Money |
Money |
Returns the Retail Price of the Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getRetailPrice() |
Money |
Returns the retail price for this bundle
Money |
Money |
protected Money |
ProductImpl.getRetailPriceInternal() |
protected Money |
SkuImpl.getRetailPriceInternal() |
Money |
ProductImpl.getSalePrice() |
Money |
Convenience method, references defaultSku.salePrice
Money |
Money |
Returns the Sale Price of the Sku.
Money |
SkuImpl.getSalePrice() |
Money |
Returns the sale price for this bundle
Money |
Money |
protected Money |
ProductImpl.getSalePriceInternal() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SkuFee.setAmount(Money amount)
Sets the amount to charge for this surcharge
void |
SkuFeeImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
Sku.setCost(Money cost)
Sets the purchase cost for this Sku.
void |
SkuImpl.setCost(Money cost) |
void |
Sku.setListPrice(Money listPrice)
void |
SkuImpl.setListPrice(Money listPrice)
void |
ProductOptionValueImpl.setPriceAdjustment(Money priceAdjustment) |
void |
ProductOptionValue.setPriceAdjustment(Money priceAdjustment)
Gets the price adjustment associated with this value.
void |
Sku.setRetailPrice(Money retailPrice)
Sets the retail price for the Sku.
void |
SkuImpl.setRetailPrice(Money retailPrice) |
void |
Sku.setSalePrice(Money salePrice)
Sets the the Sale Price of the Sku.
void |
SkuImpl.setSalePrice(Money salePrice) |
void |
SkuBundleItemImpl.setSalePrice(Money salePrice)
void |
SkuBundleItem.setSalePrice(Money salePrice)
Allows for overriding the related Product's sale price.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.priceAdjustment |
protected Money |
DefaultDynamicSkuPricingInvocationHandler.retailPrice |
protected Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.retailPrice |
protected Money |
DefaultDynamicSkuPricingInvocationHandler.salePrice |
protected Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.salePrice |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
Returns the lower of
DynamicSkuPrices.getSalePrice() and DynamicSkuPrices.getRetailPrice() . |
Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.getPriceAdjustment() |
Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.getPriceForQuantity(long quantity)
The out of box implementation returns
DynamicSkuPrices.getPrice() . |
Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.getRetailPrice() |
Money |
DynamicSkuPrices.getSalePrice() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DynamicSkuPrices |
DynamicSkuPricingService.getPriceAdjustment(ProductOptionValueImpl productOptionValueImpl,
Money priceAdjustment,
HashMap skuPricingConsiderationContext)
Execute dynamic pricing on the price of a product option value.
DynamicSkuPrices |
DefaultDynamicSkuPricingServiceImpl.getPriceAdjustment(ProductOptionValueImpl productOptionValueImpl,
Money priceAdjustment,
HashMap skuPricingConsiderationContext) |
void |
DynamicSkuPrices.setPriceAdjustment(Money priceAdjustment) |
void |
DynamicSkuPrices.setRetailPrice(Money retailPrice) |
void |
DynamicSkuPrices.setSalePrice(Money salePrice) |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultDynamicSkuPricingInvocationHandler(Sku sku,
Money adjustments)
Used to add ProductOptionValue price adjustments to the proxy Sku
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.retailValue |
protected Money |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.retailValue |
protected Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.salesValue |
protected Money |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.salesValue |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
CandidateItemOfferImpl.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
CandidateOrderOffer.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
CandidateItemOffer.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
CandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
CandidateOrderOfferImpl.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
CandidateFulfillmentGroupOfferImpl.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
Offer.getOrderMinSubTotal() |
Money |
OfferImpl.getOrderMinSubTotal() |
Money |
Indicates the amount of items that must be purchased for this offer to
be considered for this order.
Money |
OfferImpl.getQualifyingItemSubTotal() |
Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.getRetailPriceValue() |
Money |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.getRetailPriceValue() |
Money |
Value of this adjustment relative to the retail price.
Money |
Value of this adjustment relative to the retail price.
Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.getSalesPriceValue() |
Money |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.getSalesPriceValue() |
Money |
Value of this adjustment relative to the sale price.
Money |
Value of this adjustment relative to the sale price.
Money |
Offer.getTargetMinSubTotal() |
Money |
OfferImpl.getTargetMinSubTotal() |
Money |
OrderAdjustmentImpl.getValue() |
Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.getValue() |
Money |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.getValue() |
Money |
Adjustment.getValue() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.getValue() |
Money |
ProratedOrderItemAdjustmentImpl.getValue() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CandidateItemOfferImpl.setDiscountedPrice(Money discountedPrice) |
void |
CandidateOrderOffer.setDiscountedPrice(Money discountedPrice) |
void |
CandidateItemOffer.setDiscountedPrice(Money discountedPrice) |
void |
CandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.setDiscountedPrice(Money discountedPrice) |
void |
CandidateOrderOfferImpl.setDiscountedPrice(Money discountedPrice) |
void |
CandidateFulfillmentGroupOfferImpl.setDiscountedPrice(Money discountedPrice) |
void |
Offer.setOrderMinSubTotal(Money orderMinSubTotal) |
void |
OfferImpl.setOrderMinSubTotal(Money orderMinSubTotal) |
void |
Offer.setQualifyingItemSubTotal(Money qualifyingItemSubtotal) |
void |
OfferImpl.setQualifyingItemSubTotal(Money qualifyingItemSubTotal) |
void |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.setRetailPriceValue(Money retailPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.setRetailPriceValue(Money retailPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustment.setRetailPriceValue(Money retailPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemAdjustment.setRetailPriceValue(Money retailPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.setSalesPriceValue(Money salesPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.setSalesPriceValue(Money salesPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustment.setSalesPriceValue(Money salesPriceValue) |
void |
OrderItemAdjustment.setSalesPriceValue(Money salesPriceValue) |
void |
Offer.setTargetMinSubTotal(Money targetMinSubTotal) |
void |
OfferImpl.setTargetMinSubTotal(Money targetMinSubTotal) |
void |
OrderAdjustmentImpl.setValue(Money value) |
void |
OrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.setValue(Money value) |
void |
OrderItemAdjustmentImpl.setValue(Money value) |
void |
Adjustment.setValue(Money value) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.setValue(Money value) |
void |
ProratedOrderItemAdjustmentImpl.setValue(Money value) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupAdjustment.setValue(Money value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
OfferServiceUtilitiesImpl.orderMeetsProvidedSubtotalRequirement(Offer offer,
HashMap<OfferItemCriteria,List<PromotableOrderItem>> promotableOrderItems,
Money minSubTotal) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Money |
FulfillmentGroupOfferPotential.totalSavings |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
PromotionQualifier.getPrice() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupOfferPotential.getTotalSavings() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PromotionQualifier.setPrice(Money price) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupOfferPotential.setTotalSavings(Money totalSavings) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.adjustedPrice |
protected Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.adjustedTotal |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.adjustmentValue |
protected Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.adjustmentValue |
protected Money |
PromotableOrderAdjustmentImpl.adjustmentValue |
protected Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.originalPrice |
protected Money |
PromotableCandidateOrderOfferImpl.potentialSavings |
protected Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.potentialSavings |
protected Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.potentialSavingsQtyOne |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.retailAdjustmentValue |
protected Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.retailAdjustmentValue |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.saleAdjustmentValue |
protected Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.saleAdjustmentValue |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.calculateAdjustmentsUnitValue() |
Money |
PromotableOrderImpl.calculateItemAdjustmentTotal() |
Money |
Calculates the total adjustment to be received from the item adjustments.
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailWrapper.calculateItemUnitPriceWithAdjustments(boolean allowSalePrice) |
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.calculateItemUnitPriceWithAdjustments(boolean allowSalePrice) |
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetail.calculateItemUnitPriceWithAdjustments(boolean allowSalePrice)
Returns the price to be used for this priceDetail taking into account whether or not the
sales price can be used.
Money |
PromotableOrderImpl.calculateOrderAdjustmentTotal() |
Money |
Calculates the total adjustment to be received from the order adjustments.
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.calculatePriceWithAdjustments(boolean useSalePrice) |
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroup.calculatePriceWithAdjustments(boolean useSalePrice)
Calculates the price with adjustments.
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.calculatePriceWithoutAdjustments() |
Money |
Returns the price of this fulfillment group if no adjustments were applied.
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.calculateRetailAdjustmentPrice() |
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.calculateRetailAdjustmentUnitPrice() |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.calculateSaleAdjustmentPrice() |
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.calculateSaleAdjustmentUnitPrice() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.calculateSavingsForOrderItem(PromotableOrderItem orderItem,
int qtyToReceiveSavings) |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.calculateSavingsForOrderItem(PromotableOrderItem orderItem,
int qtyToReceiveSavings)
Public only for unit testing - not intended to be called
Money |
PromotableOrderImpl.calculateSubtotalWithAdjustments() |
Money |
Returns the price of the order with adjustments.
Money |
PromotableOrderImpl.calculateSubtotalWithoutAdjustments() |
Money |
Returns the price of the order without adjustments.
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailWrapper.calculateTotalAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.calculateTotalAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the value of all adjustments.
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.calculateTotalAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the total adjustment value as the sum of the adjustments times the
quantity represented by this PriceDetail
Money |
Returns the final total for this item taking into account the finalized
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.calculateTotalWithAdjustments() |
Money |
Returns the total for this item if not adjustments applied.
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.calculateTotalWithoutAdjustments() |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.computeAdjustmentValue(Money currentPriceDetailValue) |
static Money |
PromotableOfferUtility.computeAdjustmentValue(Money currentPriceDetailValue,
BigDecimal offerUnitValue,
OfferHolder offerHolder,
PromotionRounding rounding) |
Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOfferImpl.computeDiscountedAmount() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.computeDiscountedAmount() |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment.
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.getAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.getAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
PromotableOrderAdjustmentImpl.getAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment
protected Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOfferImpl.getBasePrice() |
Money |
Returns the basePrice of the item (baseSalePrice or baseRetailPrice)
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.getCurrentBasePrice() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOfferImpl.getDiscountedAmount() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.getDiscountedAmount() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOfferImpl.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.getDiscountedPrice() |
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.getFinalizedPriceWithAdjustments() |
Money |
Calculates the price with all adjustments.
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailWrapper.getFinalizedTotalWithAdjustments() |
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailImpl.getFinalizedTotalWithAdjustments() |
Money |
Returns the final total for this item taking into account the finalized
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.getOriginalPrice() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.getOriginalPrice() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateOrderOfferImpl.getPotentialSavings() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateOrderOffer.getPotentialSavings() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.getPotentialSavings() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.getPotentialSavings() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.getPotentialSavingsQtyOne() |
Money |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.getPotentialSavingsQtyOne() |
Money |
PromotableOrderItem.getPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean applyToSalePrice)
Return the salePriceBeforeAdjustments if the passed in param is true.
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.getPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean applyToSalePrice) |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment if only retail prices
can be used.
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.getRetailAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.getRetailAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the retailPrice without adjustments
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.getRetailPriceBeforeAdjustments() |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment if sale prices
can be used.
Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.getSaleAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the value of this adjustment
Money |
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetailAdjustmentImpl.getSaleAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the salePrice without adjustments
Money |
PromotableOrderItemImpl.getSalePriceBeforeAdjustments() |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupImpl.getSalePriceBeforeAdjustments() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Money |
PromotableFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentImpl.computeAdjustmentValue(Money currentPriceDetailValue) |
static Money |
PromotableOfferUtility.computeAdjustmentValue(Money currentPriceDetailValue,
BigDecimal offerUnitValue,
OfferHolder offerHolder,
PromotionRounding rounding) |
PromotableCandidateOrderOffer |
PromotableItemFactoryImpl.createPromotableCandidateOrderOffer(PromotableOrder promotableOrder,
Offer offer,
Money potentialSavings) |
PromotableCandidateOrderOffer |
PromotableItemFactory.createPromotableCandidateOrderOffer(PromotableOrder promotableOrder,
Offer offer,
Money potentialSavings) |
PromotableOrderAdjustment |
PromotableItemFactoryImpl.createPromotableOrderAdjustment(PromotableCandidateOrderOffer promotableCandidateOrderOffer,
PromotableOrder order,
Money adjustmentValue) |
PromotableOrderAdjustment |
PromotableItemFactory.createPromotableOrderAdjustment(PromotableCandidateOrderOffer promotableCandidateOrderOffer,
PromotableOrder order,
Money value) |
void |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.setOriginalPrice(Money originalPrice) |
void |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.setOriginalPrice(Money originalPrice) |
void |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.setPotentialSavings(Money potentialSavings) |
void |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.setPotentialSavings(Money savings) |
void |
PromotableCandidateItemOfferImpl.setPotentialSavingsQtyOne(Money potentialSavingsQtyOne) |
void |
PromotableCandidateItemOffer.setPotentialSavingsQtyOne(Money potentialSavingsQtyOne) |
void |
PromotableOrderImpl.setTotalFufillmentCharges(Money totalFulfillmentCharges) |
void |
PromotableOrder.setTotalFufillmentCharges(Money totalFulfillmentCharges)
Sets the total fulfillmentCharges the order.
Constructor and Description |
PromotableCandidateOrderOfferImpl(PromotableOrder promotableOrder,
Offer offer,
Money potentialSavings)
Instead of calculating the potential savings, you can specify an override of this value.
PromotableOrderAdjustmentImpl(PromotableCandidateOrderOffer promotableCandidateOrderOffer,
PromotableOrder promotableOrder,
Money adjustmentValue) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Money |
ItemOfferProcessorImpl.calculatePotentialSavingsForOrderItem(PromotableCandidateItemOffer itemOffer,
PromotableOrderItem item,
int quantity)
Provide an opportunity to for modules to override the potentialSavingsCalculation
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected BigDecimal |
ItemOfferProcessorImpl.calculatePercent(Money itemSubTotal,
Money itemSavings) |
protected BigDecimal |
ItemOfferProcessorImpl.calculateWeightedPercent(PromotionDiscount discount,
PromotableOrderItem item,
Money itemSavings) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
Returns the sum of the item totals.
Money |
OrderImpl.calculateSubTotal() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.calculateSubTotal() |
protected Money |
DiscreteOrderItemImpl.convertToMoney(BigDecimal amount) |
protected Money |
OrderItemImpl.convertToMoney(BigDecimal amount) |
protected Money |
DiscreteOrderItemFeePriceImpl.convertToMoney(BigDecimal amount) |
protected Money |
BundleOrderItemImpl.convertToMoney(BigDecimal amount)
protected Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.convertToMoney(BigDecimal amount) |
protected Money |
BundleOrderItemFeePriceImpl.convertToMoney(BigDecimal amount) |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Delegates to
OrderItem.getAverageAdjustmentValue() instead but this method is of little
or no value in most practical applications unless only simple promotions are being used. |
Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailImpl.getAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the value of all adjustments for a single quantity of the item.
Money |
Gets the tax amount
Money |
FulfillmentGroupFee.getAmount() |
Money |
DiscreteOrderItemFeePriceImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
BundleOrderItemFeePrice.getAmount() |
Money |
TaxDetailImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
DiscreteOrderItemFeePrice.getAmount() |
Money |
BundleOrderItemFeePriceImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupFeeImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getAverageAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the average unit item adjustments.
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getAveragePrice() |
Money |
Returns the average unit display price for the item.
Money |
DiscreteOrderItemImpl.getBaseRetailPrice() |
Money |
DiscreteOrderItem.getBaseRetailPrice() |
Money |
Money |
Money |
DiscreteOrderItemImpl.getBaseSalePrice() |
Money |
DiscreteOrderItem.getBaseSalePrice() |
Money |
Money |
Money |
Order.getFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
OrderImpl.getFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroup.getFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getFulfillmentGroupAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
Gets the price to charge for this fulfillmentGroup.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getFulfillmentPrice() |
Money |
Returns the discount value of all the applied item offers for this order.
Money |
OrderImpl.getItemAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getItemAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroup.getMerchandiseTotal() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getMerchandiseTotal() |
Money |
Returns the discount value of all the applied order offers.
Money |
OrderImpl.getOrderAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getOrderAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getPrice() |
Money |
Delegates to
OrderItem.getAveragePrice() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getPrice() |
Money |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean allowSalesPrice) |
Money |
OrderItem.getPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean allowSalesPrice)
Returns the unit price of this item.
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean allowSalesPrice,
boolean includeChildren) |
Money |
OrderItem.getPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean allowSalesPrice,
boolean includeChildren) |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getProratedOrderAdjustmentAmount() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItem.getProratedOrderAdjustmentAmount() |
Money |
Returns the retail price for this fulfillmentGroup.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getRetailFulfillmentPrice() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getRetailPrice() |
Money |
The retail price of the item that was added to the
Order at the time that this was added. |
Money |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getRetailPrice() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItem.getRetailPrice() |
Money |
- use
FulfillmentGroup.getRetailFulfillmentPrice() instead. Deprecated as the price might be for other
fulfillment types such as PickUpAtStore fees or download fees. |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getRetailShippingPrice() |
Money |
Returns the sale price for this fulfillmentGroup.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getSaleFulfillmentPrice() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getSalePrice() |
Money |
Returns the salePrice for this item.
Money |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getSalePrice() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItem.getSalePrice() |
Money |
- use
FulfillmentGroup.getSaleFulfillmentPrice() instead. |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getSaleShippingPrice() |
Money |
- use
FulfillmentGroup.getFulfillmentPrice() instead. |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getShippingPrice() |
Money |
Returns the subtotal price for the order.
Money |
OrderImpl.getSubTotal() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getSubTotal() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getTaxablePrice() |
Money |
If the item is taxable, returns
It is recommended instead that tax calculation engines use the #getTotalTaxableAmount() which provides the taxable
total for all quantities of this item. This method suffers from penny rounding errors in some
situations. |
Money |
DiscreteOrderItem.getTaxablePrice() |
Money |
Money |
Money |
The grand total of this
Order which includes all shipping costs and taxes, as well as any adjustments from
promotions. |
Money |
OrderImpl.getTotal() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroup.getTotal() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getTotal() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getTotal() |
Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailImpl.getTotalAdjustedPrice() |
Money |
Returns the total adjustedPrice.
Money |
Returns the total discount value for all applied item and order offers in the order.
Money |
OrderImpl.getTotalAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getTotalAdjustmentsValue() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getTotalAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns the total for all item level adjustments.
Money |
OrderItemPriceDetailImpl.getTotalAdjustmentValue() |
Money |
Returns getAdjustmentValue() * the quantity.
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getTotalAdjustmentValue(boolean includeChildren) |
Money |
OrderItem.getTotalAdjustmentValue(boolean includeChildren)
Returns the total for all item level adjustments.
Money |
This is getTotal() minus the sum of all the
OrderPayment already applied to this order. |
Money |
OrderImpl.getTotalAfterAppliedPayments() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getTotalAfterAppliedPayments() |
Money |
Gets the total fee tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
group fees.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getTotalFeeTax() |
Money |
Gets the total fulfillment costs that should be charged for this
Order . |
Money |
OrderImpl.getTotalFulfillmentCharges() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getTotalFulfillmentCharges() |
Money |
Gets the total fulfillment group tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes
on this fulfillment group itself (such as a shipping tax) only.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getTotalFulfillmentGroupTax() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getTotalItemAmount() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItem.getTotalItemAmount() |
Money |
Gets the total item tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
group items.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getTotalItemTax() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getTotalItemTaxableAmount() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItem.getTotalItemTaxableAmount() |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getTotalPrice() |
Money |
Returns the total price to be paid for this order item including item-level adjustments.
Money |
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getTotalPrice(boolean includeChildren) |
Money |
OrderItem.getTotalPrice(boolean includeChildren)
Returns the total price to be paid for this order item including item-level adjustments.
Money |
OrderItemImpl.getTotalPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean allowSalesPrice) |
Money |
OrderItem.getTotalPriceBeforeAdjustments(boolean allowSalesPrice)
Returns the total price to be paid before adjustments.
Money |
Order.getTotalShipping() |
Money |
OrderImpl.getTotalShipping() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getTotalShipping() |
Money |
Gets the total tax for this order, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
Money |
OrderImpl.getTotalTax() |
Money |
Gets the total tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
group items, fees, and taxes on this fulfillment group itself (such as a shipping tax).
Money |
Gets the total tax for this fee, which is the sum of all taxes for this fee.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.getTotalTax() |
Money |
NullOrderImpl.getTotalTax() |
Money |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.getTotalTax() |
Money |
Gets the total tax for this item, which is the sum of all taxes for this item.
Money |
FulfillmentGroupFeeImpl.getTotalTax() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TaxDetail.setAmount(Money amount)
Sets the tax amount
void |
FulfillmentGroupFee.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
DiscreteOrderItemFeePriceImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
BundleOrderItemFeePrice.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
TaxDetailImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
DiscreteOrderItemFeePrice.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
BundleOrderItemFeePriceImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupFeeImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
DiscreteOrderItemImpl.setBaseRetailPrice(Money baseRetailPrice) |
void |
DiscreteOrderItem.setBaseRetailPrice(Money baseRetailPrice) |
void |
BundleOrderItem.setBaseRetailPrice(Money baseRetailPrice)
void |
BundleOrderItemImpl.setBaseRetailPrice(Money baseRetailPrice)
void |
DiscreteOrderItemImpl.setBaseSalePrice(Money baseSalePrice) |
void |
DiscreteOrderItem.setBaseSalePrice(Money baseSalePrice) |
void |
BundleOrderItem.setBaseSalePrice(Money baseSalePrice)
void |
BundleOrderItemImpl.setBaseSalePrice(Money baseSalePrice)
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setFulfillmentPrice(Money fulfillmentPrice)
Sets the price to charge for this fulfillmentGroup.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setFulfillmentPrice(Money fulfillmentPrice) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setMerchandiseTotal(Money merchandiseTotal) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setMerchandiseTotal(Money merchandiseTotal) |
void |
OrderItemImpl.setPrice(Money finalPrice) |
void |
OrderItem.setPrice(Money price)
Calling this method is the same as calling the following:
This has the effect of setting the price in a way that no discounts or adjustments can be made. |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.setProratedOrderAdjustmentAmount(Money proratedOrderAdjustment) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItem.setProratedOrderAdjustmentAmount(Money amount) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setRetailFulfillmentPrice(Money fulfillmentPrice)
Sets the retail price for this fulfillmentGroup.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setRetailFulfillmentPrice(Money retailFulfillmentPrice) |
void |
OrderItemImpl.setRetailPrice(Money retailPrice) |
void |
OrderItem.setRetailPrice(Money retailPrice)
Calling this method will manually set the retailPrice.
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setRetailShippingPrice(Money retailShippingPrice)
- use
FulfillmentGroup.setRetailFulfillmentPrice(Money) instead. |
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setRetailShippingPrice(Money retailShippingPrice) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setSaleFulfillmentPrice(Money fulfillmentPrice)
Sets the sale price for this fulfillmentGroup.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setSaleFulfillmentPrice(Money saleFulfillmentPrice) |
void |
OrderItemImpl.setSalePrice(Money salePrice) |
void |
OrderItem.setSalePrice(Money salePrice)
Calling this method will manually set the salePrice.
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setSaleShippingPrice(Money saleShippingPrice)
- use
FulfillmentGroup.setSaleFulfillmentPrice(Money) instead. |
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setSaleShippingPrice(Money saleShippingPrice) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setShippingPrice(Money shippingPrice)
- use
FulfillmentGroup.setRetailFulfillmentPrice(Money) instead. |
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setShippingPrice(Money shippingPrice) |
void |
Order.setSubTotal(Money subTotal)
Sets the subtotal price for the order.
void |
OrderImpl.setSubTotal(Money subTotal) |
void |
NullOrderImpl.setSubTotal(Money subTotal) |
void |
Order.setTotal(Money orderTotal)
Used in
TotalActivity to set the grand total of this Order . |
void |
OrderImpl.setTotal(Money orderTotal) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setTotal(Money orderTotal) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setTotal(Money orderTotal) |
void |
NullOrderImpl.setTotal(Money orderTotal) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setTotalFeeTax(Money totalFeeTax)
Sets the total fee tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
group fees.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setTotalFeeTax(Money totalFeeTax) |
void |
Order.setTotalFulfillmentCharges(Money totalFulfillmentCharges)
Set the total fulfillment cost of this
Order . |
void |
OrderImpl.setTotalFulfillmentCharges(Money totalFulfillmentCharges) |
void |
NullOrderImpl.setTotalFulfillmentCharges(Money totalFulfillmentCharges) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setTotalFulfillmentGroupTax(Money totalFulfillmentGroupTax)
Sets the total fulfillment group tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes
on this fulfillment group itself (such as a shipping tax) only.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setTotalFulfillmentGroupTax(Money totalFulfillmentGroupTax) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.setTotalItemAmount(Money amount) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItem.setTotalItemAmount(Money amount) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setTotalItemTax(Money totalItemTax)
Sets the total item tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
group items.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setTotalItemTax(Money totalItemTax) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.setTotalItemTaxableAmount(Money taxableAmount) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItem.setTotalItemTaxableAmount(Money amount) |
void |
Order.setTotalShipping(Money totalShipping)
- Use
Order.setTotalFulfillmentCharges(Money) instead. |
void |
OrderImpl.setTotalShipping(Money totalShipping) |
void |
NullOrderImpl.setTotalShipping(Money totalShipping) |
void |
Order.setTotalTax(Money totalTax)
Sets the total tax of this order, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
void |
OrderImpl.setTotalTax(Money totalTax) |
void |
FulfillmentGroup.setTotalTax(Money totalTax)
Sets the total tax for this fulfillment group, which is the sum of the taxes on all fulfillment
group items, fees, and taxes on this fulfillment group itself (such as a shipping tax).
void |
FulfillmentGroupFee.setTotalTax(Money totalTax)
Sets the total tax for this fee, which is the sum of all taxes for this fee.
void |
FulfillmentGroupImpl.setTotalTax(Money totalTax) |
void |
NullOrderImpl.setTotalTax(Money totalTax) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItemImpl.setTotalTax(Money totalTax) |
void |
FulfillmentGroupItem.setTotalTax(Money totalTax)
Sets the total tax for this item, which is the sum of all taxes for this item.
void |
FulfillmentGroupFeeImpl.setTotalTax(Money totalTax) |
Constructor and Description |
TaxDetailImpl(TaxType type,
Money amount,
BigDecimal rate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
FixedPriceFulfillmentOptionImpl.getPrice() |
Money |
FixedPriceFulfillmentOption.getPrice() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FixedPriceFulfillmentOptionImpl.setPrice(Money price) |
void |
FixedPriceFulfillmentOption.setPrice(Money price) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Money |
ConfigurableOrderItemRequest.displayPrice |
protected Money |
ProductBundleOrderItemRequest.retailPriceOverride |
protected Money |
BundleOrderItemRequest.retailPriceOverride |
protected Money |
AbstractOrderItemRequest.retailPriceOverride |
protected Money |
ProductBundleOrderItemRequest.salePriceOverride |
protected Money |
BundleOrderItemRequest.salePriceOverride |
protected Money |
AbstractOrderItemRequest.salePriceOverride |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
ConfigurableOrderItemRequest.getDisplayPrice() |
Money |
OrderItemRequestDTO.getOverrideRetailPrice() |
Money |
OrderItemRequestDTO.getOverrideSalePrice() |
Money |
ProductBundleOrderItemRequest.getRetailPriceOverride() |
Money |
BundleOrderItemRequest.getRetailPriceOverride() |
Money |
AbstractOrderItemRequest.getRetailPriceOverride() |
Money |
ProductBundleOrderItemRequest.getSalePriceOverride() |
Money |
BundleOrderItemRequest.getSalePriceOverride() |
Money |
AbstractOrderItemRequest.getSalePriceOverride() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ConfigurableOrderItemRequest.setDisplayPrice(Money displayPrice) |
void |
OrderItemRequestDTO.setOverrideRetailPrice(Money overrideRetailPrice) |
void |
OrderItemRequestDTO.setOverrideSalePrice(Money overrideSalePrice) |
void |
ProductBundleOrderItemRequest.setRetailPriceOverride(Money retailPriceOverride) |
void |
BundleOrderItemRequest.setRetailPriceOverride(Money retailPriceOverride) |
void |
AbstractOrderItemRequest.setRetailPriceOverride(Money retailPriceOverride) |
void |
ProductBundleOrderItemRequest.setSalePriceOverride(Money salePriceOverride) |
void |
BundleOrderItemRequest.setSalePriceOverride(Money salePriceOverride) |
void |
AbstractOrderItemRequest.setSalePriceOverride(Money salePriceOverride) |
Constructor and Description |
NonDiscreteOrderItemRequestDTO(String itemName,
Integer quantity,
Money overrideRetailPrice) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Money |
The amount that this payment is allotted for.
Money |
Gets the amount that this transaction is for
Money |
PaymentTransactionImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
OrderPaymentImpl.getAmount() |
Money |
Money |
Money |
PaymentResponseItem.getRemainingBalance() |
Money |
OrderPayment.getSuccessfulTransactionAmountForType(PaymentTransactionType type)
Returns all of the transactions on this payment that were successful for the given type.
Money |
OrderPaymentImpl.getSuccessfulTransactionAmountForType(PaymentTransactionType type) |
Money |
The amount that the system processed.
Money |
OrderPayment.getTransactionAmountForType(PaymentTransactionType type)
Looks through all of the transactions for this payment and adds up the amount for the given transaction type.
Money |
OrderPaymentImpl.getTransactionAmountForType(PaymentTransactionType type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OrderPayment.setAmount(Money amount)
The amount that this payment is allotted for.
void |
PaymentTransaction.setAmount(Money amount)
Sets the amount of this transaction
void |
PaymentTransactionImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
OrderPaymentImpl.setAmount(Money amount) |
void |
PaymentLogImpl.setAmountPaid(Money amountPaid)
void |
PaymentLog.setAmountPaid(Money amountPaid)
void |
PaymentResponseItem.setRemainingBalance(Money remainingBalance) |
void |
PaymentResponseItem.setTransactionAmount(Money amount)
Sets the transaction amount.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OrderPayment |
OrderPaymentServiceImpl.createOrderPaymentFromCustomerPayment(Order order,
CustomerPayment customerPayment,
Money amount) |
OrderPayment |
OrderPaymentService.createOrderPaymentFromCustomerPayment(Order order,
CustomerPayment customerPayment,
Money amount)
Create an
OrderPayment with a single
PaymentTransaction initialized with the
passed in amount and order. |
PaymentRequestDTO |
OrderToPaymentRequestDTOService.translatePaymentTransaction(Money transactionAmount,
PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction)
Utilizes the
PaymentTransaction.getAdditionalFields() map to populate necessary request parameters on the
resulting PaymentRequestDTO . |
PaymentRequestDTO |
OrderToPaymentRequestDTOServiceImpl.translatePaymentTransaction(Money transactionAmount,
PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction) |
PaymentRequestDTO |
OrderToPaymentRequestDTOService.translatePaymentTransaction(Money transactionAmount,
PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction,
boolean autoCalculateFinalPaymentTotals)
Important: As of 4.0.1-GA+, there is a requirement to automatically populate the transaction amount on the DTO
only if coming from a "checkout payment flow".
PaymentRequestDTO |
OrderToPaymentRequestDTOServiceImpl.translatePaymentTransaction(Money transactionAmount,
PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction,
boolean autoCalculateFinalPaymentTotals) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Map<? extends FulfillmentOption,Money> |
FulfillmentEstimationResponse.fulfillmentOptionPrices |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<? extends FulfillmentOption,Money> |
FulfillmentEstimationResponse.getFulfillmentOptionPrices() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FulfillmentEstimationResponse.setFulfillmentOptionPrices(Map<? extends FulfillmentOption,Money> fulfillmentOptionPrices) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SimpleTaxProvider.applyTaxFactor(List<TaxDetail> taxes,
BigDecimal taxFactor,
Money taxMultiplier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.calculateTotalPriceForAllFulfillmentItems(Order order)
Returns the total price for all fulfillment items.
protected Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.distributeOrderSavingsToItems(Order order,
BigDecimal totalAllItems)
Distributes the order adjustments (if any) to the individual fulfillment group items.
protected Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.getOrderSavingsToDistribute(Order order)
Returns the order adjustment value or zero if none exists
Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.getUnitAmount(Money difference)
Returns the unit amount (e.g.
protected Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.sumItemAmount(List<FulfillmentGroupItem> items,
Order order) |
protected Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.sumTaxAmount(List<FulfillmentGroupItem> items,
Order order) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
long |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.applyDifferenceToAmount(FulfillmentGroupItem fgItem,
long numApplicationsNeeded,
Money unitAmount) |
long |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.applyDifferenceToProratedAdj(FulfillmentGroupItem fgItem,
long numApplicationsNeeded,
Money unitAmount) |
long |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.applyTaxDifference(FulfillmentGroupItem fgItem,
long numApplicationsNeeded,
Money unitAmount) |
long |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.countNumberOfUnits(Money difference) |
protected void |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.fixOrderSavingsRoundingIssues(Order order,
Money totalOrderAdjustmentDistributed)
It is possible due to rounding that the order adjustments do not match the
Money |
FulfillmentItemPricingActivity.getUnitAmount(Money difference)
Returns the unit amount (e.g.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExtensionResultStatusType |
ProductOptionsProcessorExtensionHandler.modifyPriceForOverrides(Sku targetSku,
ExtensionResultHolder<Money> price,
org.broadleafcommerce.presentation.model.BroadleafTemplateContext context,
Map<String,String> tagAttributes) |
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