Long id
String name
String friendlyName
String fieldType
String securityLevel
Boolean hiddenFlag
String validationRegEx
String validationErrorMesageKey
Integer maxLength
String columnWidth
Boolean textAreaFlag
Boolean requiredFlag
DataDrivenEnumeration dataDrivenEnumeration
Boolean allowMultiples
FieldGroup fieldGroup
Integer fieldOrder
String tooltip
String helpText
String hint
Long id
String name
String friendlyName
int fieldOrder
FieldEnumeration fieldEnumeration
Long id
PageTemplate pageTemplate
String description
String fullUrl
Map<K,V> pageFields
Integer priority
Boolean offlineFlag
Map<K,V> pageMatchRules
Set<E> qualifyingItemCriteria
Boolean excludeFromSiteMap
Map<K,V> additionalAttributes
Date activeStartDate
Date activeEndDate
String metaTitle
String metaDescription
Long id
PageTemplate pageTemplate
FieldGroup fieldGroup
BigDecimal groupOrder
Long id
Integer groupOrder
StructuredContentFieldTemplate template
FieldGroup fieldGroup
Long id
StructuredContent structuredContent
StructuredContentField structuredContentField
String key
Long id
String contentName
Locale locale
Integer priority
Map<K,V> structuredContentMatchRules
Set<E> qualifyingItemCriteria
StructuredContentType structuredContentType
Map<K,V> structuredContentFields
Map<K,V> legacyStructuredContentFields
Boolean offlineFlag
Map<K,V> fieldValuesMap
Long id
Integer quantity
String orderItemMatchRule
StructuredContent structuredContent
Long id
String name
String description
StructuredContentFieldTemplate structuredContentFieldTemplate
Long id
Date dateOpened
String userAgent
EmailTracking emailTracking
Long id
DataDrivenEnumeration type
String key
String display
Boolean hidden
Map<K,V> detailMap
String type
BroadleafSystemEvent.BroadleafEventScopeType scopeType
BroadleafSystemEvent.BroadleafEventWorkerType workerType
boolean universal
String friendlyName
String value
Serializable blob
String orderNumber
Throwable rootCause
int code
Object[] messageParams
int position
int embeddedInsertPosition
String key
Object cacheItem
ItemStatus itemStatus
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
Long id
String description
String localeCode
String templatePath
String url
Integer priority
Map<K,V> pageFields
String ruleExpression
List<E> itemCriteriaDTOList
Map<K,V> pageAttributes
Map<K,V> foreignPageFields
Character archived
Boolean isPreview
boolean defaultLogEvents
Boolean logEvents
org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher publisher
TransactionLifecycle lifecycle
Object[] params
Throwable e
org.owasp.validator.html.CleanResults cleanResults
String loc
StructuredContentDTO structuredContentDTO
Integer priority
boolean alreadyRun
boolean alreadyRun
Site identifier
FulfillmentPriceExceptionResponse fulfillmentPriceExceptionResponse
TaxResponse taxResponse
String[] templateTokens
boolean renameMethodOverlaps
boolean skipOverlaps
Defaults to false.
skipOverlaps is useful if you want to make sure the load time weaving does not try to insert methods you have already implemented. For example, if you have already implemented the Status interface and methods (e.g. Offer), then you don't want the system to try to overwrite these.
String conditionalProperty
Boolean conditionalValue
Long id
String name
String url
Boolean overrideGeneratedUrl
String externalId
String urlKey
String description
String taxCode
Date activeStartDate
Date activeEndDate
String displayTemplate
String longDescription
BigDecimal rootDisplayOrder
String metaTitle
String metaDescription
String productTitlePatternOverride
String productDescriptionPatternOverride
Category defaultParentCategory
List<E> allChildCategoryXrefs
List<E> allParentCategoryXrefs
List<E> allProductXrefs
Map<K,V> categoryMedia
Map<K,V> legacyCategoryMedia
List<E> featuredProducts
List<E> crossSaleProducts
List<E> upSaleProducts
List<E> searchFacets
List<E> excludedSearchFacets
List<E> categoryAttributes
String inventoryType
String fulfillmentType
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
Map<K,V> childCategoryURLMap
List<E> childCategoryIds
List<E> childCategoryXrefs
List<E> legacyChildCategories
List<E> allLegacyChildCategories
List<E> filteredFeaturedProducts
List<E> filteredCrossSales
List<E> filteredUpSales
Long id
Category category
Product product
BigDecimal displayOrder
Boolean defaultReference
Category rootCategory
int startingDepth
int endingDepth
Long id
Category category
Category subCategory
BigDecimal displayOrder
Boolean defaultReference
BigDecimal width
BigDecimal height
BigDecimal depth
BigDecimal girth
String size
String container
String dimensionUnitOfMeasure
Long id
BigDecimal sequence
String promotionMessage
Category category
Product product
Long id
String url
Boolean overrideGeneratedUrl
String urlKey
String displayTemplate
String model
String manufacturer
Boolean isFeaturedProduct
Sku defaultSku
Boolean canSellWithoutOptions
String metaTitle
String metaDescription
String canonicalUrl
List<E> skus
String promoMessage
List<E> crossSaleProducts
List<E> upSaleProducts
List<E> additionalSkus
Category defaultCategory
List<E> allParentCategoryXrefs
List<E> productAttributes
List<E> productOptions
Map<K,V> productOptionMap
List<E> allParentCategoryIds
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
Long id
String name
String type
String attributeName
String label
Boolean required
Boolean useInSkuGeneration
Integer displayOrder
String productOptionValidationStrategyType
String productOptionValidationType
String validationString
String errorCode
String errorMessage
List<E> allowedValues
List<E> products
Long id
String attributeValue
Long displayOrder
BigDecimal priceAdjustment
ProductOption productOption
Long id
Product product
ProductOption productOption
Long id
Integer quantity
BigDecimal itemSalePrice
ProductBundle bundle
Sku sku
BigDecimal sequence
DynamicSkuPrices dynamicPrices
Sku deproxiedSku
ProductBundle deproxiedBundle
Long id
String name
String description
BigDecimal amount
Boolean taxable
String expression
String feeType
List<E> skus
BroadleafCurrency currency
Long id
String externalId
String urlKey
String displayTemplate
String upc
BigDecimal salePrice
BigDecimal retailPrice
BigDecimal cost
String name
String description
String longDescription
String taxCode
Character taxable
Character discountable
Character available
Date activeStartDate
Date activeEndDate
Dimension dimension
Weight weight
Boolean isMachineSortable
Map<K,V> skuMedia
Map<K,V> legacySkuMedia
Product defaultProduct
Product product
List<E> skuAttributes
Set<E> productOptionValueXrefs
Set<E> legacyProductOptionValues
List<E> fees
Map<K,V> fulfillmentFlatRates
List<E> excludedFulfillmentOptions
String inventoryType
Integer quantityAvailable
String fulfillmentType
BroadleafCurrency currency
Long id
Sku sku
ProductOptionValue productOptionValue
BigDecimal weight
String weightUnitOfMeasure
Sku targetSku
CheckoutResponse checkoutResponse
Long id
Long skuId
Long locationId
Integer quantityOnHand
Integer reserveQuantity
String availabilityStatus
Date availabilityDate
CategoryMediaMap.CategoryMediaMapPK categoryMediaMapPK
String key
Long id
FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup
Offer offer
BigDecimal discountedPrice
Offer deproxiedOffer
Long id
OrderItem orderItem
Offer offer
BigDecimal discountedPrice
Offer deproxiedOffer
Long id
Order order
Offer offer
BigDecimal discountedPrice
Offer deproxiedOffer
Long id
FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup
Offer offer
String reason
BigDecimal value
Offer deproxiedOffer
Long id
Offer offer
String offerCode
Date offerCodeStartDate
Date offerCodeEndDate
Integer maxUses
int uses
String emailAddress
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
List<E> orders
Offer sbClonedOffer
Offer deproxiedOffer
Long id
List<E> offerCodes
String name
String description
String marketingMessage
String type
String discountType
BigDecimal value
Integer priority
Date startDate
Date endDate
String targetSystem
Boolean applyToSalePrice
Boolean applyToChildItems
Boolean combinableWithOtherOffers
Boolean automaticallyAdded
Integer maxUsesPerOrder
Long maxUsesPerCustomer
String offerItemQualifierRuleType
BigDecimal qualifyingItemSubTotal
BigDecimal orderMinSubTotal
BigDecimal targetMinSubTotal
String offerItemTargetRuleType
Set<E> qualifyingItemCriteria
Set<E> legacyQualifyingItemCriteria
Set<E> targetItemCriteria
Set<E> legacyTargetItemCriteria
Boolean totalitarianOffer
Boolean requiresRelatedTargetAndQualifiers
Map<K,V> offerMatchRules
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
Long id
Offer offer
OfferItemCriteria offerItemCriteria
Long id
Offer offer
OfferItemCriteria offerItemCriteria
Long id
OrderItemPriceDetail orderItemPriceDetail
Offer offer
String offerName
String reason
BigDecimal value
boolean appliedToSalePrice
Money retailValue
Money salesValue
Offer deproxiedOffer
Long id
OrderItem orderItem
Offer offer
String reason
BigDecimal value
int quantity
PromotableCandidateItemOffer candidateItemOffer
Offer promotion
OfferItemCriteria itemCriteria
int quantity
int finalizedQuantity
Offer promotion
OfferItemCriteria itemCriteria
int quantity
int finalizedQuantity
Money price
PromotionQualifier wrappedQualifier
Offer offer
PromotableOrder promotableOrder
Money potentialSavings
Money potentialSavingsQtyOne
BigDecimal weightedPercentSaved
Money originalPrice
int uses
HashMap<K,V> candidateQualifiersMap
HashMap<K,V> candidateTargetsMap
List<E> legacyCandidateTargets
int minimumTargetsRequired
PromotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer promotableCandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer
PromotableFulfillmentGroup promotableFulfillmentGroup
Money saleAdjustmentValue
Money retailAdjustmentValue
Money adjustmentValue
boolean appliedToSalePrice
FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup
PromotableOrder promotableOrder
PromotableItemFactory itemFactory
List<E> discountableOrderItems
boolean useSaleAdjustments
Money adjustedPrice
List<E> candidateFulfillmentGroupAdjustments
PromotableCandidateOrderOffer promotableCandidateOrderOffer
PromotableOrder promotableOrder
Money adjustmentValue
Offer offer
boolean roundOfferValues
int roundingScale
RoundingMode roundingMode
PromotableItemFactory itemFactory
Order order
List<E> allOrderItems
List<E> discountableOrderItems
boolean currentSortParam
List<E> fulfillmentGroups
List<E> candidateOrderOfferAdjustments
boolean includeOrderAndItemAdjustments
Map<K,V> extraDataMap
PromotableOrder promotableOrder
OrderItem orderItem
PromotableItemFactory itemFactory
List<E> itemPriceDetails
boolean includeAdjustments
Map<K,V> extraDataMap
PromotableCandidateItemOffer promotableCandidateItemOffer
PromotableOrderItemPriceDetail promotableOrderItemPriceDetail
Money saleAdjustmentValue
Money retailAdjustmentValue
Money adjustmentValue
boolean appliedToSalePrice
Offer offer
Long id
BundleOrderItem bundleOrderItem
BigDecimal amount
String name
String reportingCode
Boolean isTaxable
List<E> discreteOrderItems
List<E> bundleOrderItemFeePrices
BigDecimal baseRetailPrice
BigDecimal baseSalePrice
Sku sku
ProductBundle productBundle
Sku deproxiedSku
ProductBundle deproxiedProductBundle
Long id
DiscreteOrderItem discreteOrderItem
BigDecimal amount
String name
String reportingCode
BigDecimal baseRetailPrice
BigDecimal baseSalePrice
Sku sku
Product product
BundleOrderItem bundleOrderItem
SkuBundleItem skuBundleItem
Map<K,V> additionalAttributes
List<E> discreteOrderItemFeePrices
Sku deproxiedSku
Product deproxiedProduct
Long id
FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup
BigDecimal amount
String name
String reportingCode
Boolean feeTaxable
List<E> taxes
BigDecimal totalTax
Long id
String referenceNumber
String method
String service
BigDecimal retailFulfillmentPrice
BigDecimal saleFulfillmentPrice
BigDecimal fulfillmentPrice
String type
BigDecimal totalTax
BigDecimal totalItemTax
BigDecimal totalFeeTax
BigDecimal totalFulfillmentGroupTax
String deliveryInstruction
boolean primary
BigDecimal merchandiseTotal
BigDecimal total
String status
Boolean isShippingPriceTaxable
FulfillmentOption fulfillmentOption
Order order
Integer sequence
Address address
Phone phone
PersonalMessage personalMessage
List<E> fulfillmentGroupItems
List<E> fulfillmentGroupFees
List<E> candidateOffers
List<E> fulfillmentGroupAdjustments
List<E> taxes
Boolean shippingOverride
Long id
FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup
OrderItem orderItem
int quantity
String status
List<E> taxes
BigDecimal totalTax
BigDecimal totalItemAmount
BigDecimal totalItemTaxableAmount
BigDecimal proratedOrderAdjustment
Long id
Auditable auditable
PreviewStatus previewable
String name
Customer customer
String status
BigDecimal totalTax
BigDecimal totalFulfillmentCharges
BigDecimal subTotal
BigDecimal total
Date submitDate
String orderNumber
String emailAddress
List<E> orderItems
List<E> fulfillmentGroups
List<E> orderAdjustments
List<E> addedOfferCodes
List<E> candidateOrderOffers
List<E> payments
Map<K,V> additionalOfferInformation
Map<K,V> orderAttributes
BroadleafCurrency currency
Locale locale
Boolean taxOverride
List<E> orderMessages
Long id
Category category
Order order
BigDecimal price
int quantity
BigDecimal retailPrice
BigDecimal salePrice
String name
PersonalMessage personalMessage
GiftWrapOrderItem giftWrapOrderItem
List<E> orderItemAdjustments
List<E> proratedOrderItemAdjustments
List<E> orderItemQualifiers
List<E> candidateItemOffers
List<E> orderItemPriceDetails
String orderItemType
Boolean itemTaxable
Boolean retailPriceOverride
Boolean salePriceOverride
Boolean discountsAllowed
Map<K,V> orderItemAttributeMap
BigDecimal totalTax
or FulfillmentGroupItem.getTotalTax()
insteadList<E> childOrderItems
OrderItem parentOrderItem
Boolean hasValidationError
List<E> cartMessages
Category deproxiedCategory
OrderLockImpl.OrderLockPk orderLockPK
Character locked
Long lastUpdated
Long id
String type
BigDecimal amount
BigDecimal rate
String jurisdictionName
String country
String region
String taxName
BroadleafCurrency currency
ModuleConfiguration moduleConfiguation
BigDecimal price
BroadleafCurrency currency
BigDecimal resultAmount
String resultAmountType
Long id
BigDecimal retailPriceMinimumAmount
BandedPriceFulfillmentOption option
Long id
BigDecimal minimumWeight
String weightUnitOfMeasure
BandedWeightFulfillmentOption option
Long productId
Long id
Order order
Address billingAddress
BigDecimal amount
String referenceNumber
String type
String gatewayType
List<E> transactions
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
Long id
String userName
Date transactionTimestamp
Long orderPaymentId
Customer customer
String orderPaymentReferenceNumber
String transactionType
Boolean transactionSuccess
String exceptionMessage
String logType
BigDecimal amountPaid
BroadleafCurrency currency
Long id
String type
BigDecimal amount
Date date
String customerIpAddress
String rawResponse
Boolean success
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
OrderPayment orderPayment
PaymentTransaction parentTransaction
Map<K,V> additionalFields
Boolean saveToken
EncryptionModule encryptionModule
Long id
String referenceNumber
String accountNumber
String routingNumber
EncryptionModule encryptionModule
Long id
String referenceNumber
String pan
String pin
PaymentResponseItem paymentResponseItem
Long id
String feeType
String feeSubType
Integer feeBand
BigDecimal bandUnitQuantity
BigDecimal bandResultQuantity
Integer bandResultPercent
Long id
Double rating
Date ratingSubmittedDate
Customer customer
RatingSummary ratingSummary
Long id
Customer customer
Date reivewSubmittedDate
String reviewText
String reviewStatus
Integer helpfulCount
Integer notHelpfulCount
RatingSummary ratingSummary
List<E> reviewFeedback
RatingDetail ratingDetail
Long id
Customer customer
Boolean isHelpful
ReviewDetail reviewDetail
Long id
Category category
SearchFacet searchFacet
BigDecimal sequence
Long id
Category category
SearchFacet searchFacet
BigDecimal sequence
Long id
String fieldType
IndexField indexField
Long id
SearchFacet searchFacet
SearchFacet requiredFacet
Long id
String name
String label
IndexFieldType fieldType
Boolean showOnSearch
Boolean useFacetRanges
Integer searchDisplayPriority
Boolean canMultiselect
List<E> searchFacetRanges
List<E> requiredFacets
Boolean requiresAllDependentFacets
Long id
SearchFacet searchFacet
BigDecimal minValue
BigDecimal maxValue
SolrConfiguration solrConfig
boolean reindexClient
String emailAddress
Address shippingAddress
Address billingAddress
String creditCardNumber
String creditCardCvvCode
String creditCardExpMonth
String creditCardExpYear
String selectedCreditCardType
boolean isSameAddress
String deliveryMessage
PersonalMessage personalMessage
Long fulfillmentGroupId
String emailAddress
Address address
boolean shouldUseShippingAddress
Long customerPaymentId
boolean shouldSaveNewPayment
boolean shouldUseCustomerPayment
String emailAddress
String paymentName
boolean isDefault
String paymentToken
Address address
String addressName
FulfillmentOption fulfillmentOption
Long fulfillmentOptionId
PersonalMessage personalMessage
String deliveryMessage
boolean useBillingAddress
boolean saveAsDefault
Activity<T extends ProcessContext<?>> activity
ProcessContext<T> processContext
Map<K,V> stateItems
Throwable originalWorkflowException
boolean ignoreAdornedProperties
String parentObjectClass
String[] maintainedAdornedTargetFields
String[] gridVisibleFields
String selectizeVisibleField
AdornedTargetAddMethodType adornedTargetAddMethodType
String collectionFieldName
String linkedObjectPath
String targetObjectPath
String adornedTargetEntityClassname
String adornedTargetEntityPolymorphicType
String sortField
Boolean sortAscending
String linkedIdProperty
String targetIdProperty
Boolean inverse
String joinEntityClass
Boolean mutable
String idProperty
AddMethodType addMethodType
String sortProperty
String selectizeVisibleField
SupportedFieldType fieldType
SupportedFieldType secondaryType
Integer length
Boolean required
Boolean unique
Integer scale
Integer precision
Boolean mutable
String foreignKeyProperty
String foreignKeyClass
String foreignKeyDisplayValueProperty
Boolean foreignKeyCollection
MergedPropertyType mergedPropertyType
String[][] enumerationValues
String enumerationClass
Boolean isDerived
String name
VisibilityEnum visibility
Boolean groupCollapsed
SupportedFieldType explicitFieldType
RuleBuilderDisplayType displayType
Boolean largeEntry
Boolean prominent
Integer gridOrder
String columnWidth
String broadleafEnumeration
Boolean hideEnumerationIfEmpty
SupportedFieldType fieldComponentRenderer
String fieldComponentRendererTemplate
SupportedFieldType gridFieldComponentRenderer
String gridFieldComponentRendererTemplate
Boolean readOnly
Map<K,V> validationConfigurations
Boolean requiredOverride
String tooltip
String helpText
String hint
String lookupDisplayProperty
Boolean forcePopulateChildProperties
Boolean enableTypeaheadLookup
String optionListEntity
String optionValueFieldName
String optionDisplayFieldName
Boolean optionCanEditValues
Boolean optionHideIfEmpty
String[][] optionFilterParams
String[] customCriteria
Boolean useServerSideInspectionCache
Boolean toOneLookupCreatedViaAnnotation
String ruleIdentifier
LookupType lookupType
Boolean translatable
String defaultValue
Boolean isFilter
Boolean canLinkToExternalEntity
String associatedFieldName
String mapFieldValueClass
Boolean searchable
String manyToField
String toOneTargetProperty
String toOneParentProperty
String mapKeyValueProperty
DynamicResultSet[] dynamicResultSets
PersistencePackage[] persistencePackages
PersistencePerspective persistencePerspective
String collectionCeilingEntity
boolean mutable
String[] customCriteria
ClassMetadata classMetaData
Entity[] records
Integer pageSize
Integer startIndex
Integer totalRecords
Integer batchId
Long firstId
Long lastId
Integer upperCount
Integer lowerCount
FetchType fetchType
Boolean totalCountLessThanPageSize
Boolean promptSearch
Map<K,V> unselectedTabMetadata
String[] type
Property[] properties
boolean isDirty
Date deployDate
Boolean isDeleted
Boolean isInactive
Boolean isActive
boolean multiPartAvailableOnThread
boolean isValidationFailure
boolean isPreAdd
Map<K,V> validationErrors
List<E> globalValidationErrors
Map<K,V> pMap
String inheritedFromType
String[] availableToTypes
Boolean excluded
String friendlyName
String addFriendlyName
String securityLevel
Integer order
String owningClassFriendlyName
String tab
Integer tabOrder
String group
Integer groupOrder
Boolean lazyFetch
Boolean manualFetch
Boolean childrenExcluded
String targetClass
String owningClass
String prefix
String fieldName
String showIfProperty
Map<K,V> showIfFieldEquals
String currencyCodeField
Map<K,V> additionalMetadata
String manyToField
String originatingField
String foreignKeyClass
String currentValue
String dataSourceName
ForeignKeyRestrictionType restrictionType
String displayValueProperty
Boolean mutable
String sortField
Boolean sortAscending
String valueClassName
String[][] keys
boolean isSimpleValue
String mediaField
String mapKeyValueProperty
String mapKeyOptionEntityClass
String mapKeyOptionEntityDisplayField
String mapKeyOptionEntityValueField
Boolean forceFreeFormKeys
String toOneTargetProperty
String toOneParentProperty
String keyClassName
String mapKeyValueProperty
String keyPropertyName
String keyPropertyFriendlyName
String valueClassName
String mapProperty
Boolean deleteValueEntity
String manyToField
Boolean mutable
OperationType fetchType
OperationType removeType
OperationType addType
OperationType updateType
OperationType inspectType
String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname
String securityCeilingEntityFullyQualifiedClassname
String sectionEntityField
String fetchTypeFullyQualifiedClassname
PersistencePerspective persistencePerspective
String[] customCriteria
Entity entity
String csrfToken
String requestingEntityName
Map<K,V> subPackages
boolean validateUnsubmittedProperties
SectionCrumb[] sectionCrumbs
Map<K,V> deferredOperations
boolean isProcessedInternal
boolean isTreeCollection
boolean isAddOperationInspect
String[] additionalNonPersistentProperties
ForeignKey[] additionalForeignKeys
Map<K,V> persistencePerspectiveItems
OperationTypes operationTypes
Boolean populateToOneFields
String[] excludeFields
String[] includeFields
String configurationKey
Boolean showArchivedFields
Boolean useServerSideInspectionCache
String name
String value
String displayValue
String originalDisplayValue
FieldMetadata metadata
boolean isAdvancedCollection
Boolean isDirty
String unHtmlEncodedValue
String rawValue
String originalValue
Date deployDate
boolean enabled
Long id
String ceilingEntityFullyQualifiedName
AdminPermission adminPermission
Long id
String name
String sectionKey
String url
AdminModule module
List<E> permissions
String displayController
Boolean useDefaultHandler
String ceilingEntity
Integer displayOrder
Long id
String name
String login
String password
String email
String phoneNumber
Boolean activeStatusFlag
Set<E> allRoles
Set<E> allPermissions
String unencodedPassword
SandBox overrideSandBox
Map<K,V> additionalFields
String modifierType
Entity entity
FieldPath fieldPath
Long id
String fullName
String firstName
String lastName
String emailAddress
String companyName
String addressLine1
String addressLine2
String addressLine3
String city
State state
String isoCountrySubdivision
String stateProvinceRegion
String county
Country country
ISOCountry isoCountryAlpha2
String postalCode
String zipFour
Phone phonePrimary
Phone phoneSecondary
Phone phoneFax
boolean isDefault
boolean isActive
boolean isBusiness
boolean isStreet
boolean isMailing
String tokenizedAddress
Boolean standardized
String verificationLevel
String primaryPhone
String secondaryPhone
String fax
String abbreviation
String name
String alternateAbbreviation
Country country
CountrySubdivisionCategory category
Long id
String addressName
Customer customer
Address address
ArchiveStatus archiveStatus
Long id
Auditable auditable
PreviewStatus previewable
String username
String password
String emailAddress
String firstName
String lastName
ChallengeQuestion challengeQuestion
String challengeAnswer
Boolean passwordChangeRequired
If true, this customer must go through a reset password flow.
During a site conversion or security breach or a matter of routine security policy, it may be necessary to require users to change their password. This property will not allow a user whose credentials are managed within Broadleaf to login until they have reset their password.
Used by blUserDetailsService.
Boolean receiveEmail
Boolean registered
Boolean deactivated
Locale customerLocale
Map<K,V> customerAttributes
List<E> customerAddresses
List<E> customerPhones
List<E> customerPayments
Boolean isTaxExempt
String taxExemptionCode
String unencodedPassword
String unencodedChallengeAnswer
boolean anonymous
boolean cookied
boolean loggedIn
Map<K,V> transientProperties
String customerRule
Long id
Customer customer
Customer customer
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